
Statements podium These Statements lay out the EWL position on topical matters.

  • EWL response to the European Commission’s Green Paper "Towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems" (November 2010)

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the European Commission’s Green Paper ‘Towards adequate, sustainable and safe European pension systems’, especially within the context of the current financial and economic crisis. The crisis has clearly shown that European economies are all interdependent and no Member State can guarantee on its own the adequacy, safety and sustainability of its pension system and thus the European Union must make sure (...) Read more

  • EWL Statement of Concern on Expulsion of Roma from France (October 2010)

    EWL Statement of Concern on Expulsion of Roma from France (October 2010)

    The European Women’s Lobby condemns the expulsion of Roma from France and calls for more European and national actions to ensure that the fundamental rights of Romani women, men and children living in Europe are fully respected. The EWL welcomes in this regard the Resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 9 September as well as the action by the European Commission (EC) requesting France to fully transpose the Directive on free movement, but regrets the EC decision not to pursue (...) Read more

  • Seven Common Myths about the Costs of Maternity Leave (September 2010)

    MYTH ONE: “We cannot afford full-paid maternity leave, which would disproportionately affect small businesses and drive up wage costs, leading to more jobs being outsourced.” FACT: Only in three European countries – the UK, Germany and Malta – is maternity leave financed directly through employers rather than tax or social welfare systems, and two of these countries – Germany and the UK – have a recuperation scheme, which applies to both SMEs and large corporations. Incidentally, these are also (...) Read more

  • New EU Strategy for Gender Equality: Some Initial Comments (September 2010)

    New EU Strategy for Gender Equality: Some Initial Comments (September 2010)

    The European Commission on 21 September 2010 released its five year Strategy for Equality between Women and Men 2010-2015 to follow-up on the Roadmap 2006-2010. The EWL has welcomed this new document, while at the same time is eager to ensure that the political messages of the Strategy will be transformed into concrete and binding measures and legislation which go beyond the Women’s Charter launched by the Commission in March this year.
    Positive novel elements outlined by the Strategy are: (...) Read more

  • Amendments on recast Asylum Qualification Directive (September 2010)

    The EWL, in cooperation with Asylum Aid and ILGA-Europe, on 15 September 2010 wrote to Jean Lambert, Green MEP and Rapporteur on the recast EC Qualification Directive, with recommendations on how to ensure the recast Directive is gender-sensitive.
    Dear Ms Lambert,
    As you know, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), Asylum Aid and ILGA?Europe are deeply committed to ensure the right of women asylum?seekers to seek and be granted protection in Europe. Our respective NGOs have been active at the (...) Read more

  • EWL-ENoMW Contribution to Second European Agenda on Integration (August 2010)

    The European Network of Migrant Women and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) have been closely following integration policies at the local, regional, national and European level. We have focused our work on the gendered dimension of integration policies and have strived to ensure that integration policies lead to an improvement of migrant women’s lives. We aim to bring to this debate the experience of migrant women’s and women’s organisations on the ground.
    You will find below 10 key (...) Read more

  • EWL response to the European Commission’s Green Paper "Corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies" (August 2010)

    In this document, the EWL argues that women are affected heavily and disproportionately by the economic and financial crisis. Although not being responsible for the causes of the crisis, they have come out as the main victims. Ensuring equal access to, and influence over, the work of the financial institutions to both women and men is a matter of justice and democracy and the EWL therefore states that quotas for the highest levels of economic decision-making should be implemented in Europe. (...) Read more

  • EWL contribution to the JLS consultation on an EU strategy to combat all forms of male violence against women (July 2010)

    The EWL’s Centre on Violence against Women has submitted its Contribution to the European Commission Consultation on a possible future EU Strategy to combat violence against women (VAW) initiated by EC Directorate General Justice, Freedom and Security. The Contribution covers the main points of EWL’s position and demands in the context of male violence against women; it highlights the structural character of VAW, rooted in inequality between women and men, the need to focus on all forms of (...) Read more

  • EWL contribution to the EC proposal for a Directive on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, and protecting victims (June 2010)

    Prepared by the European Women’s Lobby Centre on Violence against Women
    The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for a new directive on trafficking in human beings, as this legal instrument aims at further approximating legislation and penalties, ensuring successful prosecution of perpetrators, better protection of and assistance to victims, and prevention of trafficking. The EWL particularly welcomes the focus on measures to assist, support and protect victims, (...) Read more

  • Sport and Prostitution: Enough is Enough! (June 2010)

    It is World Cup time once again, and already the media attention devoted to the competition and its surroundings has been huge, including regarding how to entertain male fans and athletes outside of the stadiums. Estimates have circulated about how many brothels were being set up near stadiums, how many prostitutes were ’mobilised’ within the host country or coming/being brought in for the event, exactly how many condoms were being stockpiled and distributed, etc. For the European Women’s (...) Read more



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