EWL News

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  • France - Violences faites aux femmes : laissons la parole s’exprimer

    France - Violences faites aux femmes : laissons la parole s'exprimer

    La Coordination française pour le Lobby européen des femmes (CLEF) est consternée que, malgré 20 ans de lutte pour rendre visibles les violences faites aux femmes sous toutes leurs formes et déconstruire les rapports de domination entre femmes et hommes, les stéréotypes et les réflexes archaïques refont surface.
    La présomption d’innocence est un principe intangible. Pourtant, dans les commentaires sur « l’affaire DSK », nous constatons une inégalité flagrante de traitement dans la mise en cause (...) Read more

  • Family Reunification is central to the well-being of migrant women and to the successful integration of their families, say EWL and European Network of Migrant Women

    Family Reunification is central to the well-being of migrant women and to the successful integration of their families, say EWL and European Network of Migrant Women

    Joint ENoMW-EWL Statement on the occasion of the international day of families
    [Brussels, 15 May 2011] Since its formation in 2007, the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) has worked to draw attention to the importance of family reunification policies for migrant women – both for their well-being and for the integration chances of their families as a whole. The practice of tying residence permits and rights to the fortunes of a primary migrant reinforces gender inequalities within (...) Read more

  • Vacancy for Fundraiser and Policy Officer at EWL Secretariat

    Vacancy for Fundraiser and Policy Officer at EWL Secretariat

    [Brussels, 13 May 2011] The EWL is seeking to recruit a Fundraiser and Policy Officer will develop and implement the EWL fundraising strategy, support internal coordination and work as part of its Policy Team on the issue of women in decision-making. The specific tasks, as described below, will be carried out in the EWL Secretariat in Brussels under the supervision of the EWL Secretary General, and start as soon as possible from August 2011. Fundraiser & Policy Officer Job Title: (...) Read more

  • Vacancy for Temporary Policy Officer & Project Coordinator at EWL Secretariat (maternity cover)

    Vacancy for Temporary Policy Officer & Project Coordinator at EWL Secretariat (maternity cover)

    [Brussels, 13 May 2011] The EWL is seeking to recruit a temporary full-time Policy Officer and Project Coordinator to coordinate a specific project related to migrant women and to work as part of its Policy Team, assisting mostly the EWL in its work on anti-discrimination immigration and integration of migrant women, especially but not restricted to these areas. The specific tasks, as described below, will be carried out in the EWL Secretariat in Brussels under the supervision of the EWL (...) Read more

  • Call for Applications: Paid Internship in the EWL Secretariat

    Call for Applications: Paid Internship in the EWL Secretariat

    [Brussels, 13 May 2011] The EWL is seeking to recruit a full time paid intern for the second half of 2011, starting 01 July 2011.
    To apply, please complete the application form hereunder and return it by e-mail to: ewl@womenlobby.org, mentioning in the subject line ‘Application for paid internship’.
    NB: CVs and applications sent by post will not be considered. The deadline for applications is 29 May 2011.
    Interviews will be conducted in June by telephone or in person in Brussels (exact (...) Read more

  • EWL meets with cosmetics industry to discuss the impact of advertising on women, and produces ressource tool

    EWL meets with cosmetics industry to discuss the impact of advertising on women, and produces ressource tool

    [Brussels, 12 May 2011] On 04 May 2011, EWL Communications and Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, was invited to meet with representatives of the European Cosmetics Association (Colipa) and to speak on the impact of advertising - notably of cosmetics products - on women and on equality between women and men. The EWL was also invited to present recommendations on self-regulation to the gathered representatives.
    The presentation delivered on this ocasion is available here for download, (...) Read more

  • Council of Europe’s Convention on Violence against Women signed by first 13 countries

    Council of Europe's Convention on Violence against Women signed by first 13 countries

    [Brussels, 13 May 2011] The Council of Europe’s new Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (CETS n° 210) was on 11 May opened for signature on the occasion of the 121st Session of the of Committee of Ministers taking place in Istanbul, gathering Ministers of Foreign Affairs from 47 Member States. During a ceremony held today in Istanbul, 13 countries signed the new Convention : Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg, (...) Read more

  • Former EWL Board member takes seat in European Parliament

    Former EWL Board member takes seat in European Parliament

    [Brussels, 12 May 2011] Mojca Kleva, a former member of the EWL Board of Administration, representing the Women’s Lobby Slovenia (Ženski lobi Slovenije), started her job as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) on 9 May 2011. Ms Kleva came second on the list in the 2009 European elections, and is now replacing Zoran Thaler (S&D), a Slovenian MEP who resigned in March. Ms Kleva is a member of the Regional Development Committee and will also be a substitute in the Economic and Monetary (...) Read more

  • EWL seeks volunteer translators

    EWL seeks volunteer translators

    [Brussels, 11 May 2011] The EWL is urgently seeking volunteers to translate a variety of articles, notably from English to French.
    Current translation projects include: English->French: Numerous articles relating to Violence against Women for the first edition of the e-magazine European Women’s Voice to be published end of May. English->French: Activity news from the EWL members. English->Polish: EWL Priorities for the Polish Presidency of the EU (2 pages).
    If you are interested in (...) Read more

  • WAGGGS launches surveys on the participation and empowerment of young women

    WAGGGS launches surveys on the participation and empowerment of young women

    [Brussels, 10 May 2011] “To enable girls and young women to realise their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world” is the mission of EWL member organisation the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). One aspect of fulfilling this mission is promoting the involvement of young women in all aspects of decision-making, not only inside Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting but also in other aspects of their lives.
    Thanks to support from the European Youth Foundation of (...) Read more



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