EWL News

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  • EWL meets with UN director Michelle Bachelet

    EWL meets with UN director Michelle Bachelet

    [Brussels, 25 March 2011] The EWL participated in a dialogue with Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of the newly created United Nations agency UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Several NGOs were invited to the meeting that took place on 24 March in Brussels.
    The EWL took the opportunity to highlight the challenges faced by women in the European region, including the impact of the crisis and of austerity measures on women’s economic (...) Read more

  • EWL warns the Heads of EU Member States about gender-blind economic governance

    EWL warns the Heads of EU Member States about gender-blind economic governance

    [Brussels, 23 March 2011] Ahead of the European Council of 24 and 25 March the EWL reminds the Heads of EU Member States that economic governance without a women’s rights and gender equality perspective undermines the inclusive targets of the Europe 2020 Strategy.
    In the two-day summit the European Council will agree on measures to preserve financial stability in the EU, and on the priorities for structural reform and fiscal consolidation for the year to come.
    In the letter sent to the (...) Read more

  • Trafficking in human beings: EWL welcomes Council adoption of stronger EU rules

    Trafficking in human beings: EWL welcomes Council adoption of stronger EU rules

    [Brussels, 21 March 2011] The EWL welcomes the adoption today by the Council of the new Directive on trafficking in human beings. This Directive has a victims’ centered approach and stresses the need to take into account the gender perspective in its provisions (article 1). The EWL welcomes the acknowledgment of the gender impact of trafficking and will work towards delivering more concrete information on how the gender perspective should translate in the forthcoming EU strategy on (...) Read more

  • EWL and Hungarian members prepare for conference on Roma women on 7 April in Budapest

    EWL and Hungarian members prepare for conference on Roma women on 7 April in Budapest

    [Brussels, 17 March 2011] The European Women’s Lobby and the Hungarian Women’s Lobby have the pleasure to invite you to a European conference on Roma women in Central and Eastern Europe that will take place in Budapest on 7th April 2011.
    As Roma inclusion has become a priority at the European level in the recent years, we believe it is crucial that attention is paid to the specific situation of Romani women and that their interests and rights become part of the actions taken by (...) Read more

  • Turkey: No joy this March 8 because of increased violence against women, say EWL members

    Turkey: No joy this March 8 because of increased violence against women, say EWL members

    [Brussels, 17 March 2011] In the aftermath of International Women’s Day, the EWL’s Turkish members speak out in the national media about the prevalence of violence against women in their society, and ’sustainable inequality’. Read the interview with Çi?dem Ayd?n in Today’s Zaman, published on 13 March.
    [Today’s Zaman, Istanbul, 13 March 2011 - YONCA POYRAZ DO?AN] Considering that violence against women has reached alarming levels, it is meaningless to celebrate March 8 this year, a women’s (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes new EU Gender Pact but regrets lack of binding concrete measures

    EWL welcomes new EU Gender Pact but regrets lack of binding concrete measures

    [Brussels, 16 March 2011] The EWL has issued a Statement in the aftermath of the Council of the EU’s adoption last week of a new Pact for Gender Equality 2011-2020. While welcoming the renewed commitment of the Member States to the fulfilment of the EU Treaty ambitions in relation to equality between women and men, the EWL regrets that no binding concrete measures, including targets, are foreseen in the Pact, except the renewed commitment to the Barcelona childcare objectives.
    In its (...) Read more

  • European Parliament passes Resolution on ‘Reducing health inequalities in the EU’

    European Parliament passes Resolution on ‘Reducing health inequalities in the EU'

    [Brussels, 10 March 2011] The European Parliament (EP) on 8 March adopted a Resolution on ‘Reducing health inequalities in the EU’ that includes many recommendations advanced and supported by the EWL in relation to women’s health. The Resolution was adopted by 379 votes in favour, 228 against and 49 abstentions.
    The Resolution is a significant step forward in ensuring equitable access to healthcare for all women, with no discrimination linked to administrative status or financial resources. (...) Read more

  • Women’s full participation in all areas of peace and security essential for confict prevention and sustainable peace, say EWL and partners

    Women's full participation in all areas of peace and security essential for confict prevention and sustainable peace, say EWL and partners

    [Brussels, 08 March 2011] On the ocasion of the 100th International Women’s Day, the EWL has joined a wide range of international partner organisations in issuing a Statement calling for progress on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions on women, peace and security. Read the full Joint Statement below.
    The Need for Women’s Full Participation in All Areas of Peace and Security to Enhance Conflict Prevention and Ensure Sustainable Peace
    On 8 March 2011 we celebrate (...) Read more

  • EWL members stand in solidarity with women organising, mobilizing and acting for peace and freedom around the world

    EWL members stand in solidarity with women organising, mobilizing and acting for peace and freedom around the world

    [Brussels, 09 March 2011] EWL member organisation, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), on 8 March 2011 issued a Statement of solidarity with women’s associations world-wide working to promote peace and freedom. Read the full Statement below.
    The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), on the occasion of the 100th International Women’s Day, stands in solidarity with women organizing, mobilizing and acting for peace and freedom around the world. We (...) Read more



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