EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • France - Euro 2012 en Ukraine : l’industrie du sexe se prépare !

    France - Euro 2012 en Ukraine : l'industrie du sexe se prépare !

    [Paris, 29 mai 2012] La Coordination française du Lobby européen des femmes (CLEF), qui représente 80 associations en France, en liaison avec les 2500 associations du Lobby Européen des Femmes (LEF), a fait de la lutte contre la prostitution et contre les violences faites aux femmes l’un des thèmes majeurs de son action et affirme une position abolitionniste, visant l’éradication de la prostitution et la pénalisation du client.
    La CLEF ne saurait considérer comme une fatalité le développement des (...) Read more

  • European trade unions confederation supports binding measures for equality on boardrooms

    European trade unions confederation supports binding measures for equality on boardrooms

    [Brussels, 25 May 2012] On the occasion of the public consultation of the European Commission Gender imbalance in corporate boards in the EU which takes place until May 28 the European Women’s Lobby welcomes the response of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), which is a member of the EWL.
    The European Women’s Lobby has already submitted its response to the consultation and asked its member organisations to submit their own responses.
    The European Commission has launched this (...) Read more

  • EWL members endorse manifesto on women’s socio-economic rights

    EWL members endorse manifesto on women's socio-economic rights

    [Brussels, 24 May 2012] On the sidelines of the EWL Annual Conference held in Budapest, Hungary, on 11 May, EWL members endorsed a Manifesto calling for a holistic approach to women’s socio-economic rights and gender equality across the life-cycle.
    The publication of the EWL Manifesto coincides with the European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. In this framework, the EWL highlights the need for a life-cycle perspective to respond to various phases and transitional (...) Read more

  • WILPF - Upholding human rights: the link between security and economic rights

    WILPF - Upholding human rights: the link between security and economic rights

    [Brussels, 24 May 2012] The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom [WILPF], a member of the EWL, organised yesterday an event ahead of the Universal Periodic Review of the UK, which was heard today, 24 May, at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, highlighting the gendered impact of current security and defence policies.
    Permanent Missions were invited to hear from an expert panel, including Ceri Goddard of The Fawcett Society, Rebecca Johnson Acronym Institute and Rebecca Gerome (...) Read more

  • New Executive Committee of EWL reflects integration of women’s movement in Europe and squares up to backlash against women’s rights

    New Executive Committee of EWL reflects integration of women's movement in Europe and squares up to backlash against women's rights

    [Brussels, 18 May 2012] Eight years after the enlargement of the EU to ten new Member States in 2004, the new Executive Committee of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) reflects the positive experience of collaboration and integration of the women’s movement in Europe. Slovene representative Sonja Lokar, the first President of the organisation hailing from a new Member State, heads a new 40 member Board of Administration elected on 13 May in Budapest by delegates from 30 countries and (...) Read more

  • EWL Secretary General named as member of Global Civil Society Advisory Group to UN Women

    EWL Secretary General named as member of Global Civil Society Advisory Group to UN Women

    [Brussels, 18 May 2012] EWL Secretary General Cécile Gréboval was yesterday named as one of the members of the new Global Civil Society Advisory Group set up to liaise with the UN women’s rights agency. The EWL has a long-standing record of working at UN level within the framework of the Commission on the Status of Women and the Economic and Social Committee, and was the European focal point of the global campaign that brought about the foundation of UN Women, the GEAR campaign.
    More (...) Read more

  • EWL and partners call on EU Member States and European Commission to safeguard family life of migrants and refugees

    EWL and partners call on EU Member States and European Commission to safeguard family life of migrants and refugees

    [Brussels, 15 May 2012] The EWL has joined 19 other pan-EU networks in a Statement calling on the EU to ensure implementation of the Family Reunification Directive for all migrants.
    All EU Member States can improve the implementation of their family reunification practices and thus guarantee everybody the right to a family life. According to the Family Reunification Directive, all Member States are obliged to guarantee family reunion which signifies ensuring that there are no legal or (...) Read more

  • ‘Be a sport. Keep it fair... Say NO to prostitution’ - EWL visual event in the EP

    [Brussels, 15 May 2012] The European Women’s Lobby organises on 30 May a visual event to raise awareness on the scale of and tolerance for prostitution at sporting events. The MEPs who support EWL campaign will gather in the European Parliament for a group photo and give prostitution at sporting events a red card. EWL video clip ’Sport, sex and fun’ will be released at this occasion, and participants will be invited to take EWL pledge for a Europe free from prostitution.
    This year, thousands (...) Read more

  • EWL holds Annual Conference in Hungary in support of women’s rights across Europe

    EWL holds Annual Conference in Hungary in support of women's rights across Europe

    [Brussels, 09 May 2012] Delegates from 30 countries representing more than 2000 European women’s organisations are due to meet this weekend in Budapest for the Annual Conference and General Assembly of the European Women’s Lobby.
    Budapest was selected to host this year’s meeting in a sign of solidarity with the women of Hungary who are confronted with extremely adverse circumstances in their struggle for equal rights. A Statement from the Hungarian Women’s Lobby highlights these difficulties: (...) Read more

  • Cyprus - EWL Members challenge the media framing of the debate on prostitution

    Cyprus - EWL Members challenge the media framing of the debate on prostitution

    [MIGS - Niscosia, 08 May 2012] The emerging debate in Cyprus following the recent arrest of prostitutes in Athens that were found to be HIV positive on charges of threatening public health, and the disclosure of their photographs and other personal details, brings to the fore shocking realities in relation to women in prostitution.
    The Cyprus media did not miss the opportunity to cover the story, but did so by framing the issue solely in terms of public health with the intent to protect (...) Read more



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