EWL News

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  • Pop up for Repeal! 25 April 2018 in Brussels!

    Pop up for Repeal! 25 April 2018 in Brussels!

    [Brussels 18 April 2018] Join us in our office to support for the Irish referendum campaign to respect women’s needs in maternal and reproductive care.
    What: Pop up sale! Clothes, Jewellery and Accessories, wine and nibbles
    Why: Support the campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment in Ireland
    Where: European Women’s Lobby, 18 Rue Hydraulique, 1210 Brussels
    When: 17:30 – 20:30, Wednesday 25th April 2018
    How else can you support?
    We need your loved clothes and accessories!! If you have any (...) Read more

  • #BlackFriday


    [Brussels, 22 March 2018] This week has seen a significant risk to the health and wellbeing of women in Poland, where the Government has responded to requests from religious groups for a pull-back on access to abortion services by proposing a Bill entitled “Stop Abortion” which seeks to criminalise abortion in cases of severe or fatal foetal abnormality. We recognise the anguish, pain and suffering such laws can cause for women who receive a diagnosis on an unviable pregnancy. The EWL has (...) Read more

  • CSW62: 217 years to achieve gender equality if no action taken

    CSW62: 217 years to achieve gender equality if no action taken

    [Brussels, 21 March 2018] The annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is taking place in New York from 12-23 March 2018. In a global context of backlash, the annual CSW meeting remains a very strategic and political moment for the women’s movement to make its voice heard at international level, create accountability through new national policy statements, and partner with progressive countries to push for a new vision and good practices.
    This year’s priority theme is Empowering women (...) Read more

  • International Women’s Day 2018

    International Women's Day 2018

    [Brussels, 13 March 2018] Last week we celebrated International Women’s Day 2018 (8 March), where women all over the world took to the streets for equality!
    Here is the message we sent out to mark the day: “We believe, as a society, every day we have the power to make change happen! Every day we have to shift the power dynamics that cause conflict, exploitation and systematic violence against women. Every day we want those with political and economic power to lift the voices of those without (...) Read more

  • #WikiGap – let’s close the internet gender gap

    #WikiGap – let's close the internet gender gap

    [Brussels 28 February 2018] On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2018, together with the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU, Wikimedia Belgium we will take joint action to make the internet more gender equal. Join us at this three-hour event to write and edit articles on Wikipedia based on information on women profiles, experts and role models in European politics. Wikimedia will introduce you to the basics of Wikipedia and how to edit it. Feminist blogger and activist Linnéa (...) Read more

  • EWL marks One Billion Rising 2018

    EWL marks One Billion Rising 2018

    [Brussels, 14 February 2018] Today, 14 February 2018, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will be supporting the global One Billion Rising (OBR) campaign organised by V-Day. We are raising our voices in solidarity with women’s organisations’ and activists across the world committed to ending all forms of violence and exploitation of women and girls. EWL member organisations in several countries have been organising different activities to mark OBR 2018 these days. Find more information here. (...) Read more

  • Women are Not for Sale

    Women are Not for Sale

    [Brussels, 12 February 2018] We strongly condemn recent revelations around the involvement of Oxfam staff with the exploitation and abuse of women in Haiti and Chad. The European Women’s Lobby is clear that prostitution is a system of violence and abuse against women, and it is therefore always unacceptable for men in positions of power to exploit and abuse women in prostitution.
    These cases of sexual exploitation and abuse are yet further evidence of the pervasive and systemic nature of (...) Read more

  • Purple Economy - The case for placing the economics of care at the heart of sustainable development

    Purple Economy - The case for placing the economics of care at the heart of sustainable development

    [Brussels, 25 January 2018] “Purple Economy” presents a vision of a gender-egalitarian economy that places care at its backbone. Developed by Ipek Ilkkaracan from the EWL Turkish coordination, “Purple Economy” offers a pathway to inclusive and sustainable growth. The model stands on four pillars: A Universal Social Care Service Infrastructure. Labour Market Regulation for Work-Life Balance with Equal Gender Incentives. Gendered Macroeconomic Policy for Decent Jobs Generation, Inclusive and (...) Read more

  • Violence against women is not abstract and women are speaking out loudly about it!

    Violence against women is not abstract and women are speaking out loudly about it!

    [Brussels, 18 January 2018] On December 6th 2017, at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union in Brussels, The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) held a high level conference titled “Istanbul Convention: What policies transform commitments into reality?” The conference, which marked the International Day of Human Rights (10th December), was the highlight of our Loud and United to end violence against women and girls project in partnership with the Council (...) Read more

  • Equal Pay: dream or reality in 2018?

    Equal Pay: dream or reality in 2018?

    [Brussels, 4 January 2018] As Iceland celebrates the implementation of its new law on equal pay, i.e. public and private companies with 25 employees, must prove that they are paying women and men equally, we are reminded that as another year passes, equal pay between women and men has not yet been achieved anywhere in Europe or in the world. An extraordinary reality as we broach a new year.
    Yet, equal pay was the first EU gender equality legislation adopted over 40 years ago. According to (...) Read more



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