EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • The Art of Storytelling: Why are our stories important for social transformation?

    The Art of Storytelling: Why are our stories important for social transformation?

    [Brussels 15 November 2017] Stories are everywhere. It’s clear that stories entertain us, but how do stories contribute to social transformation? Stories can be transforming for the storytellers as well as their audience. Part of the strength of storytelling lies in its deeply feminist framing: that the ‘personal is also political’, and that stories can show us this.
    Yesterday, on November 14, 5:00 pm (Brussels Time) / 11:00 am (New York Time) we organised a webinar with New York writer and (...) Read more

  • 18 myths on prostitution - In English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Hungarian and now Portuguese!

    18 myths on prostitution - In English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Hungarian and now Portuguese!

    [Update October 2017] In 2014, in the framework of its campaign ‘Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, and at the eve of the vote of the EP resolution on gender equality and prostitution (Honeyball resolution), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has developed a leaflet answering to the most frequent assumptions on prostitution. 18 myths are therefore looked at from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective. From “It is the oldest profession in the world” to “We must combat (...) Read more

  • Girls Can Inspire, Succeed & Thrive: the EWL at the European Week of Action for Girls

    Girls Can Inspire, Succeed & Thrive: the EWL at the European Week of Action for Girls

    [Brussels, 23 October 2017] For the second year, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has been a member of the European Week of Action for Girls, together with 7 other European and international human rights NGOs. The week has been a great success with the highlight of the week, the Girls Summit, being both inspirational and informative. Many other events and activities took place throughout the week; you can see below the full programme.
    The EWL youth delegation was comprised of 5 young women, (...) Read more

  • My time at FiLiA, London, October 14th-15th

    My time at FiLiA, London, October 14th-15th

    [Blog post by Asha Allen, EWL Policy and Campaigns Assistant, 23 October 2017] Over the weekend of the 14-15th of October I experienced my first FiLiA (formerly Feminism in London) conference. This is somewhat of an irony as I had lived in London for most of my life and I have only managed to have this invaluable experience now that I live and work in Brussels. Looking at the outline and agenda of the conference I was excited to engage with the various panels that tackled violence against (...) Read more

  • Board Meeting in Vienna October 2017

    Board Meeting in Vienna October 2017

    [Brussels, 17 October 2017] Two weeks ago EWL staff and members from all over Europe met in Vienna, Austria for our bi-annual Board Meeting. This board meeting was planned to coincide with the first ever European Lesbian* Conference, also taking place in Vienna. This fantastic new event aimed to discuss the specific needs and challenges of lesbians*, exchange knowledge and experience, contribute to social change, expand lesbian* visibility, provide a space for networking and alliances and (...) Read more

  • Watch #HerNetHerRights online conference here!

    Watch #HerNetHerRights online conference here!

    [Brussels, 2 September 2017] #HerNetHerRights is a project led by the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) to analyse the current state of online violence against women and girls in Europe and come up with innovative solutions and policy recommendations to fight online male violence and create a safer, more inclusive web for all women and girls.
    Funded by Google, the project takes stock of the reality of online violence against women and girls through a report and thanks to the contribution of EWL (...) Read more

  • AGORA - EWL Young Feminist Summer School 2017

    AGORA - EWL Young Feminist Summer School 2017

    [Brussels, 18 October 2017] From the 7th to the 11th of September European Women’s Lobby held our third AGORA, the popular young feminist summer school for women.
    Feminists arrived from all over Europe to exchange ideas and experiences in Amazone, a women’s organisation centre, and were facilitated once again this year by Maria Cristina Temmink and Maaike Boumans, who have been leading the group from the very first year.
    AGORA 2017 began with an introduction outlining the aims of the (...) Read more

  • Girls Summit 2017: girls’ empowerment through membership to feminist NGOs

    Girls Summit 2017: girls' empowerment through membership to feminist NGOs

    [Speech of Ruxandra Diaconescu, member of YWCA Romania and of the European YWCA, for the Girls Summit 2017] On the International Day of the Girl Child, the European Women’s Lobby invited a delegation of youth representatives to take part to the European Week of Action for Girls. Among them, Ruxandra Diaconescu spoke at the Girls Summit: a member of YWCA Romania, she represented also the European YWCA, one of EWL European member organisations, together with Krist Petraj Zicishti from YWCA (...) Read more

  • Be ready for the European Week of Action for Girls!

    Be ready for the European Week of Action for Girls!

    [Brussels, 29 September 2017] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is going to be super active during the annual European Week of Action for Girls and invite you to join us! We will be bringing an inspirational delegation of five young women from the youth sections of our European members who will be participating and speaking at the centerpiece of the week: the Girls Summit on October 11th.
    The European Week of Action for Girls is an annual week-long event which aims to ensure that girls’ (...) Read more

  • Joint Statement on Access to Safe and Legal Abortion Globally

    Joint Statement on Access to Safe and Legal Abortion Globally

    [New York, 26 September 2017] The European Women’s Lobby has joined 285 organizations around the world calling on our global leaders to guarantee access to safe and legal abortion! Here’s our joint statement at the 36th Human Rights Council Session, delivered today, ahead of the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion on 28 September.
    Find out more about the signatories here.
    Joint Statement on Access to Safe and Legal Abortion Globally
    Mr. President,
    It is my honour to (...) Read more



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