EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • EWL at FiLiA: A Feminist Conference (14-15 October 2017, London)

    EWL at FiLiA: A Feminist Conference (14-15 October 2017, London)

    [Brussels, 27 September 2017] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is delighted to announce that we will be taking part in FiLiA (formerly Feminism in London) on 14-15 October at the Institute of Education in London. The conference will host an array of events and workshops on various topics from feminist art; violence against women and girls; women in environmental, political and judicial spaces; and practical sessions on feminist activism and its application.
    The EWL is excited to be (...) Read more

  • Seven Emergency Motions adopted by EWL Members in 2017

    Seven Emergency Motions adopted by EWL Members in 2017

    [Brussels, 5 July 2017] On 9-10 June 2017, EWL members adopted seven Emergency Motions at our annual General Assembly. These motions, put forward to the General Assembly by National Coordinations or European Wide Members, call on EWL and its members to take actions and position on a number of issues that are of strong important to women’s rights. We adopted seven motions in June 2017 on many different questions, from sexual apartheid in sports to obstetric violence, pornography and more. (...) Read more

  • EWL members loud and united in Brussels

    EWL members loud and united in Brussels

    [Brussels, 5 July 2017] In the beginning of June, we organised our annual General Assembly meeting in Brussels, a moment where nearly 100 feminist activists from across Europe come together to discuss our collective work. This year, we extended the meeting with a few days of strategising; meetings of working groups and a we marked 20 years of action of the Observatory on Violence against women under the slogan ’Loud & United’ to end violence against women and girls. The European Women’s (...) Read more

  • Riots not diets

    Riots not diets

    [Budapest, 4 July 2017, contribution by Borbála Juhász, Hungarian Women’s Lobby] During the 2017 General Assembly the CEEBS Task Force of the EWL gathered again to discuss developments in the past year. The Task Force was born a few years before from the realisation that many things are common in the ex socialist states (with the one exception of Turkey, also a member) of the European Union regarding women’s rights and gender equality, as well as their social and economic realities. (...) Read more

  • EWL Observatory on violence against women meets to discuss on strategies to foster implementation and monitoring of Istanbul Convention

    EWL Observatory on violence against women meets to discuss on strategies to foster implementation and monitoring of Istanbul Convention

    [Brussels, 19 June 2017] On 7 and 8 June, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) Observatory on violence against women held a strategic meeting and a Conference "Loud and United to end violence against women and girls". These events marked the 20th anniversary of the EWL Observatory, a unique structure that plays a key role in advising the EWL about the reality of violence against women in Europe. The EWL Observatory brings together a dynamic group of 35 women (professionals, women’s rights (...) Read more

  • EWL Feminist Economics Working Group – for a Purple Pact

    EWL Feminist Economics Working Group – for a Purple Pact

    [Brussels, 19 June 2017] Feminist economics has always sought to make visible women’s unpaid work and to distrust the consensus about how our economies should work. The EWL wants to translate those visions of a better economic future to action, and will set out our calls for a feminist economy in a Purple Pact.
    To create this, the EWL established a feminist economics working group that met for the first time in October 2016. There members agreed on the key principles for a feminist economic (...) Read more

  • Passionate political discussions in EWL working group on women in politics

    Passionate political discussions in EWL working group on women in politics

    [Brussels, contribution by Katerina Hodicka, Czech Women’s Lobby, 19 June 2017] During the European Women’s Forum in the beginning of June more than 20 women representing various European Women’s Lobby member organisations gathered within the Working Group on Women in Politics to discuss inter alia current political developments on our European continent and the role of women in them.
    Representatives of countries where elections (whether presidential, parliamentary or municipal) have recently (...) Read more

  • Youth4Abolition discusses youth sexual exploitation in Europe

    Youth4Abolition discusses youth sexual exploitation in Europe

    [Brussels, 15 June 2017] On 9 June, the members of the coalition Youth4Abolition met in Brussels for the fourth time. A network of youth abolitionist organisations, initiated by the EWL, Youth4Abolition aims to bring the youth voice in the debates on prostitution and sexual exploitation in Europe, linking to the structural context of inequalities between women and men, rape culture and pornification, and developing recommendations on sexuality education, ending male violence and building a (...) Read more

  • AdVenture Student Competition Winner about HerStory: the EWL congratulates TeamTortoise

    AdVenture Student Competition Winner about HerStory: the EWL congratulates TeamTortoise

    [Lisbon, June 2017, article by Ana Sofia Fernandes & Nora Kiss] Effective communication is an important tool for promoting social change by challenging gender norms and stereotypes. Aware of this, the European Women’s Lobby partnered with the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (edcom) and EACA in the context of the Ad Venture Student Competition, a pan-European contest which challenges European students to develop communication campaigns.
    This partnership has the (...) Read more

  • Women’s organisations call for “revolution, not reform”

    Women's organisations call for “revolution, not reform”

    Disrupting the continuum of violence against women and girls in Europe: Women’s organisations call for “revolution, not reform”.
    Find this article in French here, translated by EWL members of la Coordination française, in Portuguese here, translated by EWL members of the Plataforma Portuguesa, in Romanian by the EWL members of the Romanian Women’s Lobby and in Polish [by our new members in Poland. >http://www.neww.org.pl/news/news/1,5789,2.html]
    [Brussels, 8 June 2017] 20 years loud and (...) Read more



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