EWL News

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  • EWL delivers 60,000 signatures to Maltese Presidency calling the EU to Rise up against violence!

    EWL delivers 60,000 signatures to Maltese Presidency calling the EU to Rise up against violence!

    [Brussels, 31 March 2017] The European Women’s Lobby delivered over 60,000 signatures under our petition with WeMove.EU “Rise up against violence!” to Ms Angele Sears-Debono chair of the FREMP working groupof the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU.
    More than 60,000 citizens are calling the EU (and specially the Member States in the Council) to urgently agree to sign and ratify the Council of Europe convention to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence, (...) Read more

  • "Violence against women is a political issue" - EWL speaks at EU event during #CSW61

    "Violence against women is a political issue" - EWL speaks at EU event during #CSW61

    [New York, 15 March 2017] Amongst many side events related to the theme of CSW61, the European Commission decided to organise a high-level panel on "A year of focused actions to combat violence against women and girls", on 15 March, in the UN Headquarters. The EWL was invited to present its work and vision, and we were delighted to have Ana Sofia Fernandes, EWL Portuguese Board Member, Secretary-General of the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, to represent us.
    "On the occasion of the (...) Read more

  • Second world congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls: inspiring, thought-provoking and moving

    Second world congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls: inspiring, thought-provoking and moving

    [Brussels, April 2017] End of January 2017, CAP International held its Second World Congress against the sexual exploitation of women and girls. Entitled “The last girl first”, and held in India, the event brought the voices of the most vulnerable women and girls on the international policy agenda, and strengthened the global movement committee to a work free from sexual exploitation. More than 400 civil society representatives, leaders and decision-makers, from 30 countries and 5 continents, (...) Read more

  • GUE/NGL Feminist Forum brings the voice of the most vulnerable women and girls to the European Parliament

    GUE/NGL Feminist Forum brings the voice of the most vulnerable women and girls to the European Parliament

    [Brussels, 3 April 2017] Around the International Women’s Day, the European United Left/Nordic Green Left European Parliamentary Group organized a Feminist Forum entitled “Struggling for women’s rights to build the future”. During 4 days, decision-makers, women’s Organisations, activists and civil society groups came together to discuss women’s human rights. The EWL was invited to take part to two panel discussions highlighting the situation of the most vulnerable women and girls: those who are (...) Read more

  • EWL and EU Girls’ Week: addressing sexuality education, sex trafficking and gender budgeting

    EWL and EU Girls' Week: addressing sexuality education, sex trafficking and gender budgeting

    [Brussels, April 2017] Besides the 8th of March and the 25th of November, there is a third important date for women’s human rights: October 11 is the International Day of the Girl. Last year, the EWL tool part in the European Week of Action for Girls, a yearly European activity initiated by a coalition of eight civil society organisations working on topics linked to gender equality, girls and women’s empowerment and/or children’s and youth rights, notably in development cooperation and (...) Read more

  • 2nd NGO European meeting on the abolition of surrogacy in Italy

    2nd NGO European meeting on the abolition of surrogacy in Italy

    [Rome, 24 March 2017, report from Stephanie Thögersen, Swedish Women’s Lobby] The 2nd European meeting on the abolition of surrogacy took place in Italy on 23 March, one year after the first gathering in Paris, where a charter for the universal abolition of surrogacy motherhood has been unveiled and signed by several decision-makers. Stephanie Thogersen, from the Swedish Women’s Lobby, represented the EWL at this important event, which gathered experts, women’s organisations, and (...) Read more

  • Rise up against violence! Sign the petition!

    Rise up against violence! Sign the petition!

    [Brussels, 8 March 2017] Make Europe a safe place for all women and girls! We are calling on you to urgently ratify and implement broadly the Council of Europe convention to fight violence against women. Women and girls across Europe want to live a life free from violence and fear. Act now to make sure that the European Union takes concrete action to protect all women and girls from violence and actively fights this pervasive human rights violation.
    Take 1 action today, sign this petition (...) Read more

  • EWL at CSW61

    EWL at CSW61

    [Brussels, 6 March 2017] Like every year, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will take part to the 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (13-24 March). EWL membership is very active during CSW61, organising side events and influencing the negotiations on the Conclusions which should be adopted by the UN member states at the end of the session.
    Check @EuropeanWomen on Twitter to follow what’s happening at the moment at #CSW61
    This year’s priority theme is "Women’s economic (...) Read more

  • Empowering days in the European Parliament - Youth for Abolition blog post by Abbie Osmond

    Empowering days in the European Parliament - Youth for Abolition blog post by Abbie Osmond

    [London, 13 March 2017, blog post by Abbie Osmond, NAWO Youth]. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more empowered than when I went to the Feminist Forum in Brussels on the 7th and 8th of March. The two days were full of events, debates, press conferences, cocktail receptions and flash mobs all for the cause to abolish prostitution in our lifetime. It was fantastic to hear that Ireland have recently adopted a law that has a similar approach to the Nordic model and it’s also exciting to hear that (...) Read more

  • EWL takes part to GUE Feminist Forum, 6-9 March 2017

    EWL takes part to GUE Feminist Forum, 6-9 March 2017

    [Brussels, 28 February 2017] As part of the celebration of Internatinal Women’s Day, the European Women’s Lobby has been invited to join several activities organised by the European political group GUE/NGL, in the framework of their Feminist Forum, from 6 to 9 March, in the European Parliament.
    Entitled "Struggling for women’s rights to build the future", the Forum will bring together activists, women’s organisations, decision-makers experts, and propose analysis and alternatives to promote (...) Read more



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