EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • The Europe we want: Just, Sustainable, Democratic and Inclusive

    The Europe we want: Just, Sustainable, Democratic and Inclusive

    [Brussels 28 February 2016] Ahead of the College of EU Commissioners meeting this Tuesday evening to discuss the Future of Europe and the 60th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty, European Civil Society Organisations and Trade Unions WWF, ETUC, CONCORD, European Movement International, European Women’s Lobby and European Youth Forum drafted a joint statement. The statement was sent to European Commission President Juncker and Vice-Presidents Timmermans, Ansip, Šefčovič, Dombrovskis, Katainen and (...) Read more

  • 96.5 % of European CEOs Today are Male. Where are the Executive Women?

    96.5 % of European CEOs Today are Male. Where are the Executive Women?

    [Brussels 15 February 2017] On February 7, Angelika Mlinar MEP hosted the event Where are the Executive Women co-organised by EWL and PWC. The event brought together a panel consisting of Aurelia Takacs, Global Delivery Partner Manager, Cisco Systems; Grace Stevens, Global Head of Tax, Legal and General; Jason-Louise Graham, Advisor, EU Panel Watch & Policy Officer, ACP YPN and Karine Becker, Managing Partner, Hire & Higher, moderated by Gilly Lord, Head of Regulatory Affairs at PwC (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby calls for a solid gender equality Pillar of Social Rights

    European Women's Lobby calls for a solid gender equality Pillar of Social Rights

    [Brussels, 7 February 2017] The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the the Commission’s initiative for a European Pillar of Social Rights, which is very timely and offers an opportunity to put a people centered approach back into the heart of the European Union. Six years of austerity policies have taken their toll particularly on women’s rights and gender equality. A European Pillar of Social Rights is therefore an opportunity to restore trust in the EU.
    Responding to the European Commission’s (...) Read more

  • EWL at the Maltese Presidency EU event on violence against women

    EWL at the Maltese Presidency EU event on violence against women

    [Brussels, 3 February 2017] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and members of the European Coalition to end violence against women and girls were present at the EU Conference organised by the Maltese Presidency on "EU responses to Gender Based violence: an inter sectional approach". This event is one of the actions of the European Commission year of focused action to combat violence against women and girls.
    At this event, the EWL shared our strong demands and conclusions coming from the (...) Read more

  • From sexual abuse to sex trafficking: women film directors break the silence!

    From sexual abuse to sex trafficking: women film directors break the silence!

    [Brussels, 28 January 2017] Every year, Brussels hosts an amazing film festival: “Elles Tournent”, which gives light to female directors. Last week, the 9th edition of the festival brought the moving documentary “Sands of silence: waves of courage”, directed by Chelo Alvarez-Stehle.
    For 15 years, Chelo Alvarez-Stehle has investigated sex trafficking and met many survivors and victims. With this new art work, she realizes that her activism is intrinsically linked to her personal story, having (...) Read more

  • Lilies of the streets

    Lilies of the streets

    [Brussels 26 January 2017] This week the European Women’s Lobby staff & members met with Eglė Plytnikaitė, a freelance illustrator and journalist working and living in-between capital Vilnius and a little cob house in the woods in Lithuania. In her works, Eglė is mainly interested in social and environmental themes. She volunteers in various projects and works with victims of prostitution and human trafficking.
    She presented the Lilies of the Streets project in which several artists (...) Read more

  • When the going gets tough, the tough #getcracking

    When the going gets tough, the tough #getcracking

    [Brussels, 9 December 2016] Message from EWL Secretary General Joanna Maycock.
    Dear EWL Friends and Family,
    Let me begin by stating the obvious…This has been one hell of a year. From Brexit, to the US elections, to the heartbreaking suffering of refugees, this year has seen the progress that many of us have spent our lives fighting for, appear to grind to a terrifying halt. Throughout Europe and the Western world, fear and hatred have created a worrying momentum for nationalist right-wing (...) Read more

  • St Nicolette X FemTALK 2016

    St Nicolette X FemTALK 2016

    [Brussels, 16 December 2016] Last week, we held our annual end-of-the-year feminist party at Via Via Café Brussels. Friends, activists, partner organisations and EU Brussels policy-makers and campaigners joined us for an evening filled with debate, books, poetry and music.
    EWL Secretary General Joanna Maycock: "It has not been an easy year for women’s rights worldwide. Is it hard to have progress, to really imagine a world where women and men are truly equal, and that we’re going to get (...) Read more

  • ExCHANGE - Activists across the Atlantic cracking the glass ceiling

    ExCHANGE - Activists across the Atlantic cracking the glass ceiling

    [Brussels, 16 December 2016] From November 30 to December 2 leading activists in the field of women in politics from Europe and the US came together to jointly strategise around how we can get more women into elected office. With the rise of right-wing populism on both sides of the Atlantic as a momentous back-drop, the meeting was important in building solidarity, sharing strategies of hope and creating a solid network on women in politics activists. #ExCHANGE also provided a much needed (...) Read more



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