EWL News

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  • Finn Mackay – speech to EWL 25th Anniversary, Brussels

    Finn Mackay – speech to EWL 25th Anniversary, Brussels

    [Speech given by Finn Mackay, researcher and feminist activist at EWL’s 25th anniversary]
    It is a great honour to be here, to celebrate your anniversary with you and to be in such esteemed company.
    I’m also proud to represent my country, the UK, while we are still part of the EU…!
    I’m please do be able to bring you good news from the UK. Good news about the feminist resurgence that has been sweeping my country since the early 2000s.
    Feminist activism is being seen again, on the streets and (...) Read more

  • EWL Director of Observatory on Violence against Women Colette De Troy retires

    EWL Director of Observatory on Violence against Women Colette De Troy retires

    [Brussels, 5 June 2015] Last Saturday, the European Women’s Lobby Secretariat and members gave a joyful and moving farewell to the wonderful Colette De Troy who is retiring after 17 years incredible contribution to the work of the European Women’s Lobby in her capacity as Director of the Observatory on Violence against Women.
    Read here an interview with her and be inspired!
    Who are your favourite feminists? There are so many feminists around the world who inspire me! I certainly first (...) Read more

  • The EP joins women’s organisations in calling for an EU Strategy on equality between women and men

    The EP joins women's organisations in calling for an EU Strategy on equality between women and men

    [Brussels, 9 June 2015] Today, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to adopt an EU Strategy on women’s rights and gender equality, with clear targets and monitoring mechanisms. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the call of the EP to see women’s organisations involved in the development and evaluation of the Strategy, and financially supported in their work. We also welcome the attention given to the multiple and intersectional forms of (...) Read more

  • France : Le suffrage universel date seulement de 70 ans

    France : Le suffrage universel date seulement de 70 ans

    [Communiqué de presse de la Coordination française pour le LEF, Paris, le 29 avril 2015]
    Le suffrage universel date seulement de 70 ans
    En France, lors des élections, l’abstentionnisme connaît des taux record quel que soit le type de mandat brigué. La politique subit une crise de confiance sans précédent. Les femmes s’abstiennent davantage que les hommes (41% pour les femmes, versus 34% pour les hommes, selon un sondage Le Figaro/Opinion Way en avril 2014 au lendemain des élections municipales en (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in June - Women as agents of change for a sustainable people-centred world

    EWL Beijing+20 in June - Women as agents of change for a sustainable people-centred world

    [Brussels, 5 June 2015] Did you know that women tend to travel in a more sustainable way, including because there are less women driving (40% compared to 62% of men)? And that because of their lower incomes, they have greater risk of energy poverty than men?
    In June, to celebrate World Environment Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women and the Environment, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign. Read and share EWL’s factsheet about Women and the Environment, which is part of EWL (...) Read more

  • Who is benefitting from the crime of trafficking? Stop Hypocrisy. Time to act now!

    Who is benefitting from the crime of trafficking? Stop Hypocrisy. Time to act now!

    [Brussels, 21 May 2015] As the 5th meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on Trafficking in Human Beings is about to start, our organisations call on the EU member states and the European Commission to take concrete steps towards the elimination of trafficking in human beings.
    While we welcome the work of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator to put the issue on the European agenda, we see no concrete progress towards the elimination of the pervasive phenomenon of trafficking in human (...) Read more

  • The EU is further off-track to deliver an inclusive, sustainable, social and equal Europe

    The EU is further off-track to deliver an inclusive, sustainable, social and equal Europe

    [Brussels, 19 May 2015] The European Union is failing to deliver an inclusive recovery strategy, which is urgently needed to bring the Europe 2020 Strategy back on track - in particular to combat poverty, create quality jobs, invest in early child development, equality for all, including gender equality and ensure environmental sustainability. This is the critical assessment of the Semester Alliance, a broad European coalition bringing together environmental, social and equality NGOs and (...) Read more

  • Stop Surrogacy Now!

    Stop Surrogacy Now!

    [Brussels, 12 May 2015] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has signed, together with more than 160 personalities and organisations, the statement ’Stop surrogacy now!’, which has been unveiled on 11 May worldwide. Stop Surrogacy Now brings together a worldwide, ethnically, religiously, and culturally diverse group opposed to the exploitation of women and the human trafficking of children through surrogacy.
    The statement has also been published on 12 May in the French newspaper Libération and (...) Read more

  • Where are the women? Volunteer as a Panel Watcher in June!

    Where are the women? Volunteer as a Panel Watcher in June!

    [Brussels, 11 May 2015] Are you following the @EUPanelWatch twitter account yet? This social media space wants draw attention to the overrepresentation of men on Brussels conferences, panel and debates and contribute to a shift towards more diversity.
    @EUPanelWatch monitors the representation of women who, as half the world’s population, also (under-)represent different backgrounds, ages, abilities and orientations and likewise promotes well-represented panels.
    The European Women’s Lobby (...) Read more



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