EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • Participez à notre manifestation à l’occasion du 4ème anniversaire de la Directive Maternité! Mardi 21 Octobre, 14:00 - 15:00, Parlement européen, Strasbourg

    Participez à notre manifestation à l'occasion du 4ème anniversaire de la Directive Maternité! Mardi 21 Octobre, 14:00 - 15:00, Parlement européen, Strasbourg

    [Bruxelles, 14 Octobre 2014] Il y a 4 ans, le 20 Octobre 2010, le Parlement européen a adopté en première lecture sa position sur la nouvelle directive européenne sur le congé maternité. Cependant, le blocage de cette proposition au Conseil de l’Union européenne et l’excuse de la crise économique et financière ont mené la Commission européenne en juin 2014 à menacer de retirer ce texte au nom de la « bonne gestion » du processus législatif.
    Nous vous invitons à faire entendre votre voix pour s’assurer (...) Read more

  • EWL calls for targets to address the feminisation of poverty and to include a gender dimension in macro-economic policies

    EWL calls for targets to address the feminisation of poverty and to include a gender dimension in macro-economic policies

    [Brussels, 17/10/2014] On International Day of Eradication of Poverty, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) stresses the urgency to address women’s poverty and calls for specific targets to meet the EU2020 headline target, which aims to lift 20 million people out of poverty by 2020. Since 2012, poverty rates in the EU have risen by six million, and in the absence of urgent action, including gender and social impact assessments of macro-economic policies, these figures are likely to rise.
    At a (...) Read more

  • EWL members support sex trade survivor Rosen and call for French abolitionist law on prostitution

    EWL members support sex trade survivor Rosen and call for French abolitionist law on prostitution

    [Brussels, 16 October 2014] Last week, during the Annual Meeting of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) in Lisbon, EWL members took action to express their support to Rosen Hicher, a sex trade survivor, who has marched 800 km in France to call for an abolitionist law on prostitution. A proposal of law to abolish the system of prostitution in France had been adopted by the French National Assembly last year and is still waiting for the Senate to vote on it.
    On Thursday 10 October, EWL members (...) Read more

  • The Swedish Women’s Lobby welcomes Sweden’s proposal to criminalise sex purchase abroad

     The Swedish Women's Lobby welcomes Sweden's proposal to criminalise sex purchase abroad

    [Statement from the Swedish Women’s Lobby, 17 October 2014] On October 3rd, the newly elected Swedish government was inaugurated and presented the Statement of Government Policy. In the statement, the new Government declared that they are a feminist Government, and one of the concrete proposals they presented was that the purchase of sexual services abroad will be criminalised, something that the women’s movement in Sweden has been calling for for a long time.
    “This is great news. We welcome (...) Read more

  • Want a professional experience in women’s rights at EU level? Apply to EWL internship programme

    Want a professional experience in women's rights at EU level? Apply to EWL internship programme

    [Brussels, 2 September 2014] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union, gathering over 2000 women’s associations, and aiming at promoting women’s rights and equality between women and men in the European Union. We regularly welcome students for an internship within our Secretariat, in Brussels, and we are now preparing our internship programme for 2015.
    If you are interested in women’s rights and gender equality, and by (...) Read more

  • From words to action: women can’t wait 20 more years to enjoy their full human rights

    From words to action: women can't wait 20 more years to enjoy their full human rights

    [Lisbon, 10 October 2014] Today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) launched its report “1995-2015: From Words to Action” which assesses the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in Europe, 20 years after its adoption by the international community. The launch of EWL Beijing+20 report took place in the context of the Annual Meeting of the European Women’s Lobby, the largest umbrella organisation for women’s rights in Europe.
    Adopted two years after the 1993 Vienna World Conference on (...) Read more

  • Feminist meet and greet party - join the European Women’s Lobby in Strasbourg!

    Feminist meet and greet party - join the European Women's Lobby in Strasbourg!

    [Brussels, 08 October 2014] The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to invite you to its evening reception on Monday, October 20th from 20:00 at La Station-Centre LGBTI in Strasbourg. Come and meet us and Strasbourg-based women’s organisations and enjoy drinks to toast to the beginning of a new parliamentary term and future promising evolution of women’s rights and gender equality!
    Please RSVP before Friday 17th October by sending an email to Jessica Machacova.
    Do not hesitate to share the (...) Read more

  • One week to go for EWL Annual Conference and launch of its Beijing+20 report!

    One week to go for EWL Annual Conference and launch of its Beijing+20 report!

    [Brussels, 3 October 2014] Next week, the European Women’s Lobby and all its members will gather in Lisbon for four days of meetings and action on women’s rights! In particular, this Annual Conference will comprise the launch of EWL report "Beijing+20: From Words to Action", assessing the implementation by the European Union of the Beijing Platform for Action.
    @EuropeanWomen #EWLisboa #Beijing20
    The Annual Conference of the EWL will start by a joint meeting between the members of its (...) Read more

  • Encouraging signals from Commissioners-designate Thyssen and Jourová. Now: from words to action.

    Encouraging signals from Commissioners-designate Thyssen and Jourová. Now: from words to action.

    [Brussels, 1 October 2014] Today Commissioners-designate Thyssen (Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility) and Jourová (Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality) were ‘grilled’ in Brussels during their hearings by Members of the European Parliament.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) previously welcomed the appointment of Věra Jourová, Commissioner-designate for Justice, Consumers & Gender Equality while “Gender Equality” was explicitly acknowledged in her title; a strong political (...) Read more

  • Decent work, quality jobs and poverty - The Missing link in the EU2020.

    Decent work, quality jobs and poverty - The Missing link in the EU2020.

    [Brussels, 26 September 2014] The European Anti-Poverty Network and the S&D hosted a half-day conference on the aftermath of the economic crisis, the change in labour market conditions, social inclusion and poverty. The conference was divided into three parts; first from a NGO perspective, second from trade unions’ perspective and the last from an EU institution point of view, with representatives from the Parliament and Commission. The focus in the first part was on quality jobs and (...) Read more



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