EWL News

News typewritter Latest news from the European Women’s Lobby in Brussels

  • Zagorka: an amazing Croatian feminist writer

    (Zagreb, 2 July 2013) During the General Assembly, EWL members had a unique opportunity to visit the headquarters of the “Center for Women’s studies” in Zagreb situated in the former apartment of Marija Juri? Zagorka, the first female Croatian journalist and among the most read writers in Croatia.
    Center for Women’s Studies is the first and only center of this kind in Croatia. It was founded in 1995 by a group of theoreticians and scientists, feminists, peace activists and artists. The Center (...) Read more

  • Fruitful networking meeting between the European Institute for Gender Equality and the European Women’s Lobby

    Fruitful networking meeting between the European Institute for Gender Equality and the European Women's Lobby

    [Zagreb, 30 May 2013] The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) invited the Board members of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) for a networking meeting in Zagreb on 30 May, ahead of the 2013 EWL general Assembly. The goal of this first meeting was to create more links between the two organisations by informing EWL members about the work of EIGE and exchange ideas and recommendations for further collaborative work.
    Thérese Murphy, Head of Operations of EIGE, and Elizabeth Law, Member (...) Read more

  • 5 Emergency Motions Adopted by the 2013 GA: on Abortion, Surrogacy, Freedom of Civil Society and the Impact of Crisis

    5 Emergency Motions Adopted by the 2013 GA: on Abortion, Surrogacy, Freedom of Civil Society and the Impact of Crisis

    (Zagreb, 1 June 2013) Saturday, on the first day of the General Assembly (GA), the EWL adopted five emergency motions dealing with current urgent issues such as the threat to the free activism in civil society and regarding women’s organizations, legislation for abortion , the surrogate motherhood and women in precarious financial and economic situations. All Emergency Motions were adopted by the EWL general assembly. An emergency motion is a motion that any member can submit within a (...) Read more

  • EWL General Assembly gets underway in Zagreb

    (Zagreb 31 May) The annual EWL general assembly is currently underway in the Croatian capital. Over 100 delegates from all over Europe will attend the three day gathering, where the annual work plan, general priorities and a regrouping and reconnecting with membership and our future work. The EWL Cafe, run for the second year in a row is coming to a close, while the board meeting is running until half past eight this (...) Read more

  • President of the European Women’s Lobby addresses members of the EP Women’s Rights Committee

    President of the European Women's Lobby addresses members of the EP Women's Rights Committee

    [Brussels, 29 May 2013] Today, EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum addressed the Women’s Rights Committee of the European Parliament. She was invited to present the views of the European Women’s Lobby on women’s rights in general in Europe, and in particular on three issues that will be discussed by the Committee in the coming months: violence against women, women’s sexual rights, and prostitution.
    EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum informed MEPs of the detrimental impact of the crisis on women, in (...) Read more

  • EWL submission to the European Commisson Consultation on FGM

    EWL submission to the European Commisson Consultation on FGM

    (Brussels, 30 May 2013) The EWL welcomed the Commission’s call for contribution to the consultation on FGM. The EWL would like to thank four members, namely the African Women’s Organisation(Austria), ENGENDER (United Kingdom), AkiDwA organisation (Ireland) and Foreningen mod Pigeomskæring (Danish Association against Female Genital Mutilation), for their expertise on the subject which enabled the EWL to highlight the main obstacles, problems and needs faced by women victims of FGM.
    The EWL has (...) Read more

  • Women’s organisations expect EU Civil Society Platform to address prostitution as the root cause for trafficking in women and girls

    Women's organisations expect EU Civil Society Platform to address prostitution as the root cause for trafficking in women and girls

    [Brussels, 29 May 2013] The EU Civil Society Platform on trafficking in human beings will hold its first meeting on 31 May 2013 in Brussels. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its participating members warmly welcome the initiative of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator to involve civil society organisations in a constructive dialogue with the European Commission (EC), in the framework of the EU Strategy on trafficking. In particular, they see their inclusion in the Platform’s work as a (...) Read more

  • EWL nominated for European Citizen’s Prize

    (Brussels, 29 May 2013) The European Women’s lobby have been nominated for the European Citizen’s Prize.
    The Citizens’ Prize can be given for activities that either facilitate cross-border cooperation within the EU or promote better mutual understanding and closer integration between citizens and member states. It can also be awarded for day-to-day activities reflecting the values enshrined in the EU’s charter of fundamental rights. The laureates can be citizens, groups, associations or (...) Read more

  • Spain: “Deciding makes us free” Campaign for Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights

    Spain: “Deciding makes us free” Campaign for Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights

    Campaña de la Plataforma decidir nos hace libres, a favor de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres (leer en español abajo)
    [Madrid, 27 May 2013] CELEM is one of the 270 Spanish organizations members of the “Deciding makes us free” Platform, which include a wide variety of associations: women’s organizations, trade unions, professional, social and health organizations, etc. This platform defends sexual and reproductive Rights of Spanish women, currently in danger of disappearing (...) Read more

  • The EWL team at the 20km run of Brussels - Some impressions of the courageous women and men running for Gender Equality

    The EWL team at the 20km run of Brussels - Some impressions of the courageous women and men running for Gender Equality

    (Brussels 27 May 2013) The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) team again accomplished its mission at the 20km run of Brussels as it did the previous year.
    We’d like to say thanks a million again to all runners on the EWL team and their commitment to take the challenge of running 20km for the cause of gender equality and HERstory!
    This encourages the EWL tremendously in its work for a gender equal world.
    Thank you, merci, danke, dank u - again to all runners and friends of the EWL.
    Click here (...) Read more



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