European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • Step it UP - by 2030!

    Step it UP - by 2030!

    [Brussels, 23 September 2015] The European Women’s Lobby co-wrote a [Civil Societies Open Letter to Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmersmans on the 2030 Agenda. >]. "As European civil society, we now expect the EU to match the ambition of this Agenda with a clear EU implementation strategy, which reflects the integrated, interlinked and (...) Read more

  • Joint declaration of women’s & LGBTI organisations for peace

    Joint declaration of women's & LGBTI organisations for peace

    [Ankara, 1 September 2015] The European Women’s Lobby endorses the following statement by local women’s and LGBTI organisations in Turkey, made on 1 September 2015.
    We Call Upon Everyone to Join Us "We, the women of this country, desire peace. How many more generations must suffer the atrocities of war and conflict? What are we to do with all of this pain and suffering, for which there is no recompense? Virtually moments before the elections the government announced that it had “frozen” (...) Read more

  • Finance and funding: "fit for whose purpose?"

    Finance and funding: "fit for whose purpose?"

    [Uruguay, 27 July 2015] The Global Policy Watch, an organisation which promotes transparency and accountability in the financing for development process, has written an article reviewing private funding and corporate influence in the United Nations.
    The full article is available here
    There are many debates surrounding the Post-2015 Agenda regarding the role of the state, the private sector and stakeholders in taking responsibility for finance in the development process. This article looks (...) Read more

  • Seven years overdue: The European Commission publishes proposal for a Roadmap to replace the Maternity Leave Directive

    Seven years overdue: The European Commission publishes proposal for a Roadmap to replace the Maternity Leave Directive

    [Brussels, 7 August 2015] The European Commission has come up with an “indicative Roadmap” combining a number of initiatives to address the “challenges of working parents” with regards to work-life balance, including maternity leave. This comes seven years after its proposal to amend the Maternity Leave Directive in 2008 and after withdrawing it as part of its red-tape exercise (REFIT) at the beginning of July this year.
    Whilst no definitive path has been prioritised at this stage, pending a (...) Read more

  • EWL’s call to Amnesty International: protect the human rights of ALL women and girls to build a society based on equality, justice and respect

    EWL's call to Amnesty International: protect the human rights of ALL women and girls to build a society based on equality, justice and respect

    [Brussels, 5 August 2015] This week, Amnesty International delegates will meet to discuss, amongst other issues, a policy on “sex work” which calls for the decriminalisation of “sex work”. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is deeply concerned about this positioning of Amnesty International, which we believe will have a detrimental impact on the lives of not only the persons currently involved in prostitution (whether they’ve been trafficked or not), but also on the lives of all women and girls and (...) Read more

  • Women’s Working Group are disappointed with the Financing for Development International Conference

    Women's Working Group are disappointed with the Financing for Development International Conference

    [Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 13-16 July 2015] The Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development (WWG on FfD) expresses its strong disappointment with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda that was adopted at the conclusion of the Third Financing for Development Conference.
    Instead of rising to the occasion for women’s rights at the Third Financing for Development Conference that took place in Ethiopia from 13 to 16 July 2015, the Outcome Document: Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the conference has (...) Read more

  • Women only halfway to equality in Europe

    Women only halfway to equality in Europe

    [Brussels, 25 June 2015] The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) revealed today the results of its second Gender Equality Index. The European Women’s Lobby attended the launch event in Brussels with great interest as this resarch is of course essential for monitoring the effectiveness of gender equality policies at EU and national level.
    The EU-28 achieved an average score of 52.9 out of 100 points (2012 data) showing that Europe is only halfway towards a gender-equal and cohesive (...) Read more

  • Abortion for Rape Victims

    Abortion for Rape Victims

    The letter is a response to the article “Boko Haram Militants Raped Hundreds of Female Captives in Nigeria” in the NYTimes on 18 May 2015.
    [NYTimes, 22 May 2015] “Former Captives in Nigeria Tell of Mass Rapes” (front page, May 19) does not mention how the United States’ anti-abortion policy is determining the fate of female victims. Largely because of the abortion ban attached to American foreign aid, Nigerian women and girls raped and forcibly impregnated by Boko Haram militants will be denied (...) Read more

  • Need for new equality strategy to create equal opportunities and end discrimination

    Need for new equality strategy to create equal opportunities and end discrimination

    [Brussels 7 May 2015] Communication from FEMM Committee. In a resolution adopted on Wednesday the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality committee calls on the Commission to adopt a new separate equality strategy for women’s rights and gender equality aimed at creating equal opportunities and ending all kinds of discrimination.
    The resolution was adopted by 20 votes in favour, 12 against and 3 abstentions.
    “I am very glad that the report was adopted today with such a large majority. Despite our (...) Read more

  • What’s new in the European Commission in regards to parity in decision making?

    What's new in the European Commission in regards to parity in decision making?

    [Brussels, 29 April 2015] It is now a well-known fact that women represent more than half of the population of the European Union, but they are not represented equally in decision-making at all European levels. This current and lingering under-representation is a serious obstacle to the democratic legitimacy of the EU.
    However, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and its members are encouraged by positive developments in the European Commission this year that represent steps in the right (...) Read more



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