Members News

  • ETUC project “Safe at home, Safe at Work” raises awareness of trade unions and calls for EU action to end violence against women

    ETUC project “Safe at home, Safe at Work” raises awareness of trade unions and calls for EU action to end violence against women

    [Article by Pinar Özcan, EWL Board member representing ETUC, August 2017]
    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) launch event of its study “Safe at Home – Safe at Work” took place in the International Trade Union House in Brussels on Monday 12 June 2017.
    At this meeting policy-makers, social partners and NGOs came together and discussed how to best implement the recommendations of the study. The launch was also an excellent occasion to meet with colleagues and Brussels-based (...) Read more

  • Check out the United to END FGM European Knowledge Platform!

    Check out the United to END FGM European Knowledge Platform!

    [Brussels, 27 July 2017. Statement of the End FGM European Network] The United to END FGM (UEFGM) European Knowledge Platform is a free- of-charge online platform offering information and practical advice to professionals on female genital mutilation (FGM). The knowledge platform includes: an e-learning course available in 9 languages, country specific information covering 11 EU member states, as well as ‘live knowledge’ including webinars and an online discussion forum.
    The e-learning (...) Read more

  • Cyprus approves the ratification bill for the Istanbul Convention

    Cyprus approves the ratification bill for the Istanbul Convention

    [Nicosia, 26 July 2017. Statement of the Cyprus Women’s Lobby] The ratification bill for the Istanbul Convention has been voted by the House of Representative, on the 14th o July 2017, after it was presented to it on the 20 June 2017. The House of Parliament emphasized the importance of the International Treaty on the Protection of Women against Violence.
    Cyprus Republic signed the Istanbul Convention in 2015, while the ratification bill opens the way for the Ratification by the plenary of (...) Read more

  • SOLIDARITY with our sisters in Turkey who are detained!

    SOLIDARITY with our sisters in Turkey who are detained!

    [Ankara, 6 July 2017, Statement via our members in Turkey] Ten women & human rights defenders including members of the Turkish Women’s Coalition, İlknur Üstün, one of the founding members of the EWL Coordination for Turkey, and Nalan Erkem were detained yesterday (5 July 2017).
    UPDATE 18/07/2017: The court ruled the release of 4 right defenders with judicial control decision: Nalan, Nejat, İlknur (General coordinator of Turkish Women’s Coalition) and Şeyhmus. The court imposed ban on leaving (...) Read more

  • Hommage à Simone Veil, une femme de conviction. Nous lui devons tant!

    Hommage à Simone Veil, une femme de conviction. Nous lui devons tant!

    [30 juin 2017, Communiqué de presse, la CLEF] Aujourd’hui, vendredi 30 juin 2017, les féministes et les femmes françaises pleurent une grande femme de l‘histoire de la France contemporaine.
    Survivante de la Shoah, avec l’esprit d’indépendance qui la caractérise, Simone Veil a été une femme libre et engagée dans tous les domaines familial, professionnel, social et politique. La cause des femmes a été une priorité dans ses actions publiques. Affrontant la désapprobation de ses pair-e-s, elle obtiendra de (...) Read more

  • On the Engender: Scotland’s feminist policy podcast

    On the Engender: Scotland's feminist policy podcast

    [Edinburgh, 26 June 2017] On the Engender is Scotland’s feminist policy podcast, produced by EWL members of Engender and featuring the voices of experts from across Scotland’s women’s sector. The podcast explores issues relating to women’s equality in Scotland, from local democracy to reproductive rights, and from the criminal justice system to care reform.
    The third episode of the podcast was launched on June 26, focusing on "On The Engender Gender Matters in Social Security". Previous (...) Read more

  • Polish Women’s Lobby against morning-after pill limitations

    Polish Women's Lobby against morning-after pill limitations

    [Gdansk, 28 June 2017] We, the representatives of Network of East-West Women, speak up in the name of member organizations of the Polish Women’s Lobby. We would like to share our deep concern regarding the reproductive rights being more and more challenged in Poland. The most recent occurrence we record would be the legislation act which is practically banning the open access to the emergency post-coital contraceptive pill (widely recognized as ‘morning-after’ or ‘24-horus after’ pill), the (...) Read more

  • Solidarity with refugee women and girls!

    Solidarity with refugee women and girls!

    [Statement of the European Network of Migrant Women, 9 June 2017] On 2-4 June European Network of Migrant Women (ENOMW) held their AGM in Athens, hosted by the Melissa Network - a grassroots initiative that works on capacity building and empowerment of migrant and refugee women and girls. During our meeting, we also visited a refugee camp.
    “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own” ― Audre Lorde
    We, as a network, reject the term “refugee (...) Read more

  • NGOs in Hungary: We’re here to stay and to continue our work

    NGOs in Hungary: We're here to stay and to continue our work

    [Budapest, statement via our members in Hungary, 14 June 2017] Yesterday, after two postponed votes, the Hungarian Parliament adopted the Law on the Transparency of Foreign Funded Organisations. The community of civil society organisations united in the Civilizáció campaign continue to believe that the law is unnecessary, stigmatising and harmful.
    Unnecessary, because Hungarian civil society organisations are already transparent in their operations, provide accurate information about their (...) Read more

  • Croatia: attacks on women’s rights, annual anti-abortion mass protests

    Croatia: attacks on women's rights, annual anti-abortion mass protests

    [Zagreb, Message from our members, 26 May 2017] On Saturday, 20 May was held second annual ‘March for life’ in Croatia, in fact a mass anti abortion protest in two major cities (Zagreb[1] and Split[2]) following a landmark ruling by the Constitutional Court which rejects calls to ban the procedure. 10,000 to 15,000 protesters in Zagreb carried banners such as “Chose life” and “Life is always a Gift”, sang religious songs as well as songs one openly ultranationalist Croatian singer (Marko (...) Read more



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