Members News

  • Romania gender equality under attack

    Romania gender equality under attack

    [Brussels, 2 July 2020] On June 3, a group of Romanian MPs and senators known as the Parliamentary Prayer Group, which includes prominent supporters of the Family Coalition, succeeded in amending a law – proposed by the Save Romania Union (USR), the one genuinely progressive party in Romania’s parliament – that would have made a modicum of sex education mandatory in Romania’s schools. As a result of the amendment, a much watered-down form of sex education will now only be taught to pupils if (...) Read more

  • Statement of the Deutscher Frauenrat on the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 - EU Presidencies

    Statement of the Deutscher Frauenrat on the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 - EU Presidencies

    [Brussels, 2 July 2020] On July 1, Germany will take over the EU Council Presidency for six months. Its focus will be on the Corona crisis and how to overcome it. In doing so, the Federal Government must make a special effort to promote cohesion in Europe. Gender equality is one of the main topics on the agenda.
    Mona Küppers, president of the National Council of German Women’s Organizations (Deutscher Frauenrat - DF): "Equality is more important than ever in Corona times. Because the crisis (...) Read more

  • AIETI and Red de Mujeres Latinoamericanas Launch Publication on Migrant Women & Male Violence in Spain

    AIETI and Red de Mujeres Latinoamericanas Launch Publication on Migrant Women & Male Violence in Spain

    [Brussels 5 February 2020] The EWL is pleased to present the report, Migrant Women Victims of Male Violence in Spain; published by women’s rights organisation and members of the European Network of Migrant Women, AIETI and Red de Mujeres Latinoameticanas y del Caribe en España
    A message from AIETI and Red de Mujeres Latinoameticanas y del Caribe en España:
    Our comprehensive report analyses the impact of male violence against migrant women within the framework of Organic Law 1/2004 on (...) Read more

  • European Disability Strategy Confirmed: The EU Disability Forum Demands

    European Disability Strategy Confirmed: The EU Disability Forum Demands

    [Brussels, 16 January 2020] Today, Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli confirmed that the European Commission is committed to present a strengthened European Disability Strategy post 2020. This commitment was presented during the conference“Towards Inclusion 2020”. It is also present in the Communication“ A strong social Europe for just transitions” released on the 14 January 2020.
    We welcome this confirmation and reiterate our demands for a strengthened strategy, especially: The (...) Read more

  • Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad Young Feminist Weekend 2019

    Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad Young Feminist Weekend 2019

    [The Hague, Netherland, 16 December 2019] In October 2019, EWL’s National Coordination in the Netherlands held its first young feminist summer school. In this article, one of the participants, Eefje Smeulders, shares her thoughts about the school. The blog is also available here. Why is it important for you to be here this weekend?
    From Friday 18 October until Sunday 20 October 2019 28 Young Feminists gathered in Den Haag, where they talked about the question: how can we, as feminists, (...) Read more

  • Romanian Women’s Lobby visits Brussels

    Romanian Women's Lobby visits Brussels

    [Brussels, 27 September 2019] From 12 to 14 September 2019, a group of activists from EWL’s National Coordination in Romania, the Romanian Women’s Lobby, came to Brussels for a study and lobby visit. In this article, they tell us more.
    "In September, the Romanian Women’s Lobby organised a study visit to Brussels to discuss gender budgeting with key partners and exchange ideas with other feminist organisations, including the EWL Secretariat and EWL members. The visit was organised to clarify (...) Read more

  • Youth engagement against the system of prostitution

    Youth engagement against the system of prostitution

    [Brussels, 14 August 2019] This is an article by the Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres-Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights, EWL’s National Coordination in Portugal, about the training they organised for young abolitionists in July 2019. You can read more about EWL’s work on the abolition of prostitution here.
    In July 2019, the Portuguese Platform for Women’s Rights organised a training for young abolitionists, the first training in Portugal in which young people with a (...) Read more

  • Feminist Collaboration in Europe, a blog article by Engender Scotland

    [Brussels, 23 July 2019] This is a blog article by Emma Ritch, director of Engender, which is Scotland’s feminist membership organisation. Engender sits on the United Kingdom Joint Committee on Women, which represents the UK at the European Women’s Lobby. The article was published on Engender’s blog on 17 July 2019.
    In June Engender’s director Emma Ritch was in Brussels for the European Women’s Lobby General Assembly and here, she talks about the importance of our work with our feminist sisters (...) Read more

  • Brexit must not equal a regression of women’s rights, by WEN Wales

    Brexit must not equal a regression of women's rights, by WEN Wales

    [Brussels, 12 July 2019] This is an article by Catherine Fookes from WEN Wales, one of the members of EWL’s National Coordination in the United Kingdom. It was published in IWA click on Wales blog on 3 July 2019.
    There is a temptation to view the election for the Conservative leadership in the UK as far-removed from us here in Wales and to just ignore it as a political side-show, but we ignore it at our peril. With the new leader comes a new Prime Minister, and with a no-deal Brexit a real (...) Read more

  • Six month suspended jail sentence and a fine for ‘sugar daddy’ dating billboards

    Six month suspended jail sentence and a fine for ‘sugar daddy' dating billboards

    [Brussels, 20 May 2019] In September 2017 controversial billboards appeared in Brussels. Touring the areas near the Free University campus, they encouraged female students to subscribe to the dating website RichMeetsBeautiful to “improve their lifestyle” or “have a zero euro student loan by dating a sugar daddy”, showing a picture of a young women in lingerie sliding her bra strap down.
    The Dutch Council of Women of Belgium, among others, immediately protested these adverts. The storm of (...) Read more



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