Members News

  • #Repealthe8th


    [Brussels, 16 May 2018 ] On Friday, 25th May 2018 Ireland will hold a national referendum on maternal and reproductive rights. Currently Ireland has one of the most restrictive laws on access to abortion in Europe, and pregnant women and girls are not treated with the respect and dignity afforded others when accessing healthcare.
    The referendum will ask the Irish people whether to remove the Eighth amendment to the Irish Constitution, first introduced in 1983: ‘The State acknowledges the (...) Read more

  • Ratification of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention: European Countries defy Opposition

    Ratification of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention: European Countries defy Opposition

    [Brussels, 16 April, 2018] The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Croatia become the 29th and 30th European countries to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combatting Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, the Istanbul Convention. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes this significant step and also supports the progress made in the Greek parliament, which has passed the necessary changes within its penal code in order to fully ratify the Convention (...) Read more

  • Solidarity with Danish sisters as employers threaten to impose massive lockout

    Solidarity with Danish sisters as employers threaten to impose massive lockout

    [Copenhagen, 14 March 2018, news from EWL Danish members] Over the past months, Danish trade unions have been trying to negotiate a new collective agreement to keep public sector wages in line with wage developments in the private sector and a decrease of the gender pay gap. The employers have not only failed to come up with a reasonable offer but have threatened to impose a massive lockout across the public sector.
    In order to strengthen their negotiating position the unions announced (...) Read more

  • Rural Women – Priority theme of CSW 62

    Rural Women – Priority theme of CSW 62

    [Brussels, 12 March 2018] The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is taking place in New York from 12-23 March 2018. All information regarding the CSW can be found here.
    The priority theme is rural women, a theme previously discussed in 2012, for which no agreed conclusions were reached. The EWL member, the women’s committee of COPA – European Farmers, has produced their statement, which is available in a number of languages.
    The Swedish Women’s Lobby submitted a statement on the review (...) Read more

  • Manifesto: Women Refugees Safety

    Manifesto: Women Refugees Safety

    [The Hague, 6 March 2018] "A major world issue translated into practical tools", that was the reaction of Leontien Kompier to the Manifesto Women Refugee Safety that was officially presented on 6 March to politicians, municipalities and NGOs in the Netherlands
    Kompier, former mayor of Vlagtwedde with the largest asylum seekers’ center in the Netherlands (Ten Apel), was asked to open the ceremony. She called the Manifesto ’sharply worded’ and the recommendations about what could be better when (...) Read more

  • LEF-Italia welcomes the new law protecting feminicide orphans

    LEF-Italia welcomes the new law protecting feminicide orphans

    [Rome, 20 February 2018. article by Siusi Cassacia, EWL Observatory Expert from Italy] The European Women’s Lobby Coordination in Italy, LEF-Italia, highly welcomes the adoption of the law protecting orphans as a consequence of femicide and domestic violence.
    The Law (11/01/2018) entered into force on 16th February and includes provisions to protect femicide victims’ children by modifying civil and penal code articles, and setting up autonomous provisions.
    The law also removes the (...) Read more

  • Women’s Rights and Right-Wing Populism

    Women's Rights and Right-Wing Populism

    [Brussels 15 February 2018] Last year the Bulgarian Platform of the European Women’s Lobby was involved in research focused on the impact of nationalism/right wing populism on women rights organisations, in the frame of the project financed by the FES - Bulgarian office.
    "In Europe, anti-European movements are gaining momentum, attracting sympathizers and supporters. The trend is extremely worrying about the future of Europe and has a particularly strong impact on the prevention and the (...) Read more

  • "Let’s Talk about Sex!"

     "Let's Talk about Sex!"

    [Brussels 15 February 2018] "Let’s Talk about Sex!" Watch this documentary on ARTE on teenage mothers in Romania, also available in French and German, and see our members in activist action!
    Find the link in to the documentary in English here.
    Fighting ignorance about sexuality and informing about its consequences is the goal of Daniela Draghici, Advisory Board member of the Society for Education in Contraception and (...) Read more

  • One Billion Rising 2018

    One Billion Rising 2018

    [Brussels 15 February 2018] Yesterday, as all over the world, our members were rising against violence against women and girls in the context of One Billion Rising, organised by V-Day. Find some impressions here.
    Czech Republic Organised by Czech Women’s Lobby, Prague rose for the fifth consecutive year on the 14th of February. As in past years more than one hundred people danced in solidarity to end violence against women and girls!
    You can find the promotional video here and pictures (...) Read more

  • Maltese MP Votes Against Domestic & Gender Based Violence Bill

    Maltese MP Votes Against Domestic & Gender Based Violence Bill

    [La Valletta, Malta, 24 January 2018] On January 24th, the Maltese parliament voted to pass the Gender Based Violence and Domestic Violence Bill No. 14. The Malta Confederation of Women’s Organisations (MCWO) has strongly welcomed this initiative as a step ahead in the prevention of violence against women and girls and the protection of their victims. MCWO has also reacted to criticise the only MP who voted against the adoption of this bill.
    The purpose of the Gender Based Violence and (...) Read more



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