
NEW PUBLICATION: Report on Cyber Violence Against Women

In the era of digitalisation, the incidence of cyber violence against women and girls (CVAWG) is surging. The advent of new technologies, particularly social media, has transformed the way we engage and communicate online. As our identity expresses itself also online, cyber violence against women appears as a continuum of violence against women. The same gender stereotypes and misogyny which cause the already known forms of violence against women, manifest online with new forms and similar effects.

The new EWL Report on Cyber Violence gives an overview of the forms of CVAWG, the policy framework and a set of policy recommendations to tackle the issue.

Read the Full Report here and its Executive Summary here.
Translations into 25 languages and an Easy-To-Read version of the Executive Summary will be available soon.

Please join us for the launch of the Report on Tuesday, 1 October at the Thon Hotel in Brussels and online. More information and registration links are available here.

EWL Report on Cyber Violence Against Women - FULL
EWL Report on Cyber Violence Against Women - FULL


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