Position Papers

Policy Papers judge s hammer The common positions of the EWL membership set the agenda and the EWL line for all our policy work.

  • Position Paper "Tackling multiple discrimination of Romani and Traveller Women- a crucial factor for the successful implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies" (2012)

    [Brussels, 09 January 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to share with you our newly adopted Position Paper that focuses on the experience of Romani and Traveller women who are often exposed to multiple and intersectional discrimination on grounds of gender and ethnic origin and have limited access to employment, education, health, social services and decision-making.
    Despite the adoption of a European Parliament Report in 2006 on the situation of Roma Women and “10 Common Basic (...) Read more

  • Towards a Europe Free from All Forms of Male Violence against Women (December 2010)

    Prepared by the EWL Centre on Violence against Women
    ‘Women’s lives rest upon a continuum of unsafety. Wherever women are, their peripheral vision monitors the landscape and those around them for potential danger. As all women reach adulthood, they share a common awareness of their particular vulnerability. Learning the strategies for survival is a continuous lesson about what it means to be female.’
    Despite progress over the last decades on many aspects related to equality between women and (...) Read more

  • Women’s Health in the EU (June 2010)

    Social and medical research indicates that sex and gender impact differently on women’s and men’s health, access to health and health care. Unequal access to resources coupled with other social factors produce inequitable health risks and access to health information, care, and services for women and men. In addition, biological differences imply that women have particular health concerns and needs, especially related to sexual and reproductive health. Despite this, women’s health needs and (...) Read more

  • Gender and Conflict - Towards Human Security: Engendering Peace (October 2009)

    ‘We thought that when we had peace we would get equality but now we’ve realised that until we get equality we won’t have peace.’ (Palestinian woman)
    Feminist theory teaches us conflicts, wars and militarism are gendered processes. They use, maintain and often promote the ideological construction of gender in the definitions of ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ and of course have disproportional impact on women and children, particularly the girl child. In effect, what that means is that men go to (...) Read more

  • Engendering the Lisbon Strategy: for Growth, Jobs and Social Inclusion (March 2008)

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) wishes to highlight some of the discrepancies in the Lisbon Strategy as the core EU socio-economic political framework, and in so doing demonstrate that the EU’s falls short of its Treaty commitments to promote true equality between women and men.
    In light of the crucial importance of the Lisbon Strategy on Growth and Jobs as a generator of social well-being (Jobs and Social Inclusion) and economic competitiveness (Growth), there is an urgent need to first (...) Read more

  • Financing for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (February 2008)

    Access to resources, rights and power are still unequally distributed between women and men in all societies. This unequal distribution of wealth, power and quality of life is more favourable to men than to women in nearly all areas of life. Less than 2 percent of all land worldwide is owned by women, the average percentage of women in parliaments across the world is 14.5% (23% within the EU), and women on average earn 85% of men’s hourly earnings for the same job with the same (...) Read more

  • 50 years of European Gender Equality Legislation: Implement Gender Justice Now! (February 2007)

    Despite 50 years of European, legislation and policy development on equality between women and men, there is an implementation gap regarding economic, political and social equality between women and men. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), presenting its Statement to the Spring Council 2007, stresses that the equal enjoyment of social and economic rights between women and men is an indicator for progress towards social justice, enjoying human rights, and eliminating poverty in Europe. In 2007, (...) Read more

  • Elimination of all forms of Discrimination and Violence against the Girl Child (February 2007)

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the fact that the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in its 51st session will review implementation of policies and actions taken to address the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child. It also welcomes the revision of the agreed conclusions reached at the 48th session on the “Role of boys and men in achieving gender equality”, as this is very relevant to the issue of achieving equality in the early stages (...) Read more

  • Care (May 2006)

    At the EWL Board of Administration meeting in May 2006, the European Women’s Lobby officially launched its "Who Cares?" campaign with the adoption of a Position Paper. This position paper focuses on the provision of affordable, accessible and high quality care services for all dependents, available to all women and men whatever their financial situation. Themes of the EWL Care Campaign include: Gender Stereotypes and Care, the Economics of Care: Provision of Affordable Care Services, Quality (...) Read more

  • Religion and Women’s Human Rights (May 2006)

    EWL’s mission is to work together to achieve equality between women and men, to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, to ensure respect for women’s human rights and to eradicate violence against women. Hence EWL documents ways in which the achievement of these goals is impeded by any trends and calls for changes that will remove barriers to their achievement. In particular, concerns expressed by EWL members about a perceived stronger influence on governments of religious (...) Read more



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