Press Releases

The European Women’s Lobby can offer news comments, briefings, interviews and speaking engagements upon request. We are also available to offer the expertise of our members and the Secretariat in various policy areas.

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  • Equality Takes a Backseat in Von der Leyen’s New Commission

    [Brussels, 17 September 2024]
    This morning, President Ursula von der Leyen announced the composition of the new College of Commissioners, and what should have been a step forward for Europe has instead become a glaring disappointment. While progress was hoped for, what we received is an outdated approach to leadership that overlooks crucial values, most importantly equality and fair representation.
    One of the most striking issues with the new line-up is the complete absence of a dedicated (...) Read more

  • Deal reached on the first EU law on violence against women

    Deal reached on the first EU law on violence against women

    [Brussels, 6 February 2024] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) welcomes the long-awaited deal on the Directive to combat violence against women and domestic violence, the first EU law to ensure that victims of violence against women and domestic violence receive adequate protection, support, access to justice and reparation no matter where they live in the EU.
    “A historic decision has been made! The message the EU has given with this deal is that women’s rights are fundamental human rights at (...) Read more

  • Belgium ignores survivors of prostitution and encourage other Member States to follow its path

    Belgium ignores survivors of prostitution and encourage other Member States to follow its path

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) deeply regrets the Belgian Presidency’s decision to discuss prostitution during tomorrow’s informal meeting of Justice ministers without prior consultation with survivors of prostitution and NGOs working with survivors. We urge the Ministers of Justice attending this meeting to meet survivors and not banalise this form of violence that affects primarily women and girls.
    [Brussels, 25 January 2024] This is with disappointment and lack of understanding that we (...) Read more

  • Shame on the German and French Governments for letting all women and girls down in Europe!

    Shame on the German and French Governments for letting all women and girls down in Europe!

    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) urges the European Parliament to move ahead to prevent the EU Member States from jeopardising the long-awaited law on violence against women and girls in Europe.
    [Brussels, 23 January 2024] While we, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), are outraged by the disgraceful decision of the governments of France and Germany to persist in blocking a consent-based definition of rape (based on the standards of the Istanbul Convention) in the proposed Directive on (...) Read more

  • On International day for the elimination of violence against women, the EU is still divided over the crime of rape

    On International day for the elimination of violence against women, the EU is still divided over the crime of rape

    [Brussels, 24 November 2023] Women’s rights organisations all across the EU, members of the European Women’s Lobby, are outraged to see the lack of progress in the negotiations on the proposed Directive on violence against women and domestic violence; and the disgraceful blockage posed by several Member States to the article on the offence of rape despite the strong positions in favour adopted by the European Commission and the European Parliament.
    Pictures by Javier Bernal Revert
    The (...) Read more

  • EU divided: combating rape a priority for the Commission and the Parliament, but not the Council

    EU divided: combating rape a priority for the Commission and the Parliament, but not the Council

    [Brussels, 2 October 2023] Since yesterday, the EU is an official party to the Istanbul Convention, the most comprehensive tool to end violence against women and domestic violence in Europe. With the accession, the EU should commit to combat all forms of violence against women included in the convention, including sexual violence.
    Unfortunately, this remarkable moment that women’s organisations fought for for years is overshadowed by the hypocrisy of some Member States pushing to remove the (...) Read more

  • Victory for survivors of prostitution - MEPs voted in favour of abolitionist measures

    Victory for survivors of prostitution - MEPs voted in favour of abolitionist measures

    With today’s vote, MEPs decided to follow the abolitionist legacy of the Honeyball resolution voted in 2014 and proved their commitment for a Europe free from violence against women and girls.
    [14 September 2023, Strasbourg] MEPs confirmed their abolitionist position and delivered a powerful message today as they voted in favour of the initiative report on the Regulation of prostitution in the EU: its cross-border implications and impact on gender equality and women’s rights drafted by (...) Read more

  • Monumental week for women’s rights!

    Monumental week for women's rights!

    [13 July 2023, Strasbourg] This week is a historic week for women’s rights and the women’s movement: the European Parliament has adopted a strong resolution for an EU Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence. The EP resolution takes on many of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) proposals and significantly strengthens the text issued by the European Commission last year. When adopted, the Directive will reinforce protection, prevention and support mechanisms for (...) Read more

  • One year after: Europe needs a strong Directive to combat violence against women NOW!

    One year after: Europe needs a strong Directive to combat violence against women NOW!

    [Brussels, 7 March 2023] On International Women’s Day 2023, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) reiterates its demands for the EU to enhance and swiftly adopt the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence. An enhanced Directive, including a strong harmonised definition on rape in Article 5 as well as provisions on sexual exploitation and online violence against women and girls, remains our goal.
    The EWL continuously advocates for (...) Read more

  • Time to Deliver!

    Time to Deliver!

    [Brussels, 25 November 2022] 25 November marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (VAW) and the start of the 16 Days of Activism to end VAW. On this occasion, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is urging the EU and all European countries to make Europe a safe place for all women and girls by adopting EU legislation on preventing and combating all forms of violence against women and girls.
    Male violence against women and girls is the most pervasive violation of (...) Read more



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