Media coverage

  • Irish fans urged not to use prostitutes during Euro 2012

    IRISH FOOTBALL FANS are being urged not to use the services of prostitutes when abroad for the Euro 2012 games this month.
    Labour Women is urging Irish soccer fans travelling to the games not to use prostitutes during the games in Poland, as part of the Europe-wide campaign Together for a Europe free from prostitution.
    The campaign aims to combat prostitution and raise awareness of the harm done by prostitution.
    Katherine Dunne, Labour Women Chair, commented:
    We know that demand for (...) Read more

  • Euro 2012 and Olympics likely to see ’boom in prostitution’

    By Pierrette Pape
    Major sporting events – such as Euro 2012 and the London Olympics – are regularly coupled with a spectacular increase in the demand for sexual services, writes the European Women’s Lobby
    On May 30, MEPs from nine countries and all political groups gathered in Brussels in support of the European Women’s Lobby’s action against prostitution around sporting events. In a message to athletes, officials, fans, journalists and decision-makers ahead of the London Olympics and Euro (...) Read more

  • MEPs demand more action against prostitution at sports events

    Click here to watch the video.
    MEPs have called for more to be done to prevent prostitution at big sporting events. Many in the European Parliament are concerned the issue isn’t been taken seriously enough ahead of the Euro 2012 Football Championships in Poland and Ukraine and the London Olympics this summer. Anti-prostitution campaigners say that major tournaments are often coupled with a surge in sex trafficking.
    ‘‘A sports event normally attracts a lot of men to the same place so I think (...) Read more

  • EM & Olympia 2012 - Rote Karte gegen Prostitution im EU-Parlament

    Sie wollen ein klares Zeichen setzen: Heute haben 20 Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments aus neun Ländern und allen politischen Lagern die rote Karte gezückt. Ihre Message an die Fans, AthletInnen, JournalistInnen und VeranstalterInnen: “Be a sport. Keep it fair… Say NO to prostitution” (Sei sportlich. Bleib fair… Sag NEIN zu Prostitution). Sie unterstützen damit die Kampagne „Für ein Europa frei von Prostitution“ der European Women’s Lobby (EWL), die 2006 startete und jetzt gegen den Frauenkauf (...) Read more

  • Sporting venues urged to ’show red card’ to prostitution

    Published in TheParliament on 30 May 2012, by Martin Banks
    Member states have been urged to "show the red card" to the sex trade at this summer’s big sporting events, including the Olympics and the Euro 2012 football championships.
    A campaign aimed at cracking down on the sexual exploitation of women at these and other similar events was launched in parliament on Wednesday.
    The European Women’s Lobby, which is behind the initiative, predicts an influx of "sexually trafficked" women to (...) Read more

  • EWL appears on two TV shows on prostitution, 29 February 2012

    EWL appears on two TV shows on prostitution, 29 February 2012

    [Brussels, 29 February 2012] The Belgian TV channel RTBF - La Une dedicated the evening of 29 February to the issue of prostitution. The EWL and its campaign ’Together for a Europe Free from Prostitution’ had a visible role in two TV shows that raised the issue of the system of prostitution and helped to create debate in Belgium.
    On n’est pas des pigeons: "For or against?"
    In the show ’On n’est pas des pigeons’, the EWL got the opportunity to express its position, complemented by extracts from (...) Read more

  • «Romper silêncios» sobre o tráfico de mulheres

    «Romper silêncios» sobre o tráfico de mulheres

    MDM promove Conferência Internacional em Lisboa.
    Integrado no projecto «Romper silêncios», do Movimento Democrático de Mulheres, realizou-se, sexta-feira, no Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, uma Conferência Internacional sobre o tráfico de mulheres, de forma a envolver as mulheres portuguesas e cada vez mais agentes políticos e sociais nos caminhos que garantam a igualdade, a protecção de todas as pessoas sujeitas a este crime hediondo e a criação de condições que garantam o progresso social e a (...) Read more

  • Prostitutky mají v?tší psychické problémy než vále?ní veteráni

    Rozhovor s Alexandrou Jachanovou Doleželovou na téma prostituce. Alexandra Jachanová Doleželová je viceprezidentka Evropské ženské lobby, která nedávno spustila kampa? Spole?n? za Evropu bez prostituce. Kampa? prezentuje prostituci jako násilí na ženách, které by spole?nost nem?la tolerovat.
    Jakou podobu má kampa? v ?eské republice? Souvisí její na?asování n?jak s projednáváním zákona o legalizaci sexuálních služeb? U nás je to na?asování celkem náhodné, protože Evropská ženská lobby (EWL) se zabývá prostitucí (...) Read more

  • Tijd voor nieuw perspectief op prostitutie?

    door Marjolein Van Bavel
    Op donderdag 1 december organiseerde de European Women’s Lobby (EWL) te Brussel de studiedag ‘Geweld tegen vrouwen en prostitutie: welk beleid?’. De beweging hoopt zo bij te dragen tot het Belgische debat rond de aanpak van prostitutie. Het belang van een Europese dimensie wordt hierbij benadrukt.
    De dag kadert binnen het bredere project ‘Samen voor een Europa zonder prostitutie’ waarmee de lobbygroep de strijd aanbindt tegen prostitutie. Vertrekkende van de idee dat (...) Read more

  • Portugal lança campanha europeia para abolir prostituição

    A Plataforma Portuguesa para os Direitos das Mulheres (PpDM) lança hoje em Portugal uma campanha europeia de sensibilização para abolir a prostituição, classificando esta prática como uma forma de violência contra as mulheres.
    A campanha europeia "Junt@s por uma Europa livre de Prostituição", que será lançada hoje num seminário europeu sobre "Prostituição e Tráfico de Seres Humanos para Fim de Exploração Sexual", apela à União Europeia e aos Estados Membros "para se acabar com a prostituição enquanto (...) Read more



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