
Big success at the event organised by the HWL in Budapest

On the 10th of December, the Hungarian Women’s Lobby organised an event whose goal was twofold: on the one hand, to put on the political agenda the necessity of effective state response to sexual violence and rape, and on the second hand to mobilise decision-makers in order to sign and ratify the Istanbul Convention.

The forum on the 10th December was opened by Ms. Borbála Juhász, chair of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, the Importance and Main Principles of the Istanbul Convention was explained by Dr. Enikő Pap, legal expert, Hungarian Women’s Lobby. The forum consisted of two parts: lectures by NGO experts, civil servants and politicians, which was followed by a general discussion. Two of HWL member organisations, the NANE Association and the PATENT Association were represented at the event as speakers. Dr. Judit Wirth legal expert, NANE Women’s Rights Association presented what are the national experiences regarding the Response of the Legal and Institutional System to Sexual Violence: National Experiences.

From the part of the Government, Dr. Katalin Kiszely deputy state secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice informed on the Activities of the Working Group Dealing with Violence against Women . Dr. Attila Gruber MP – Fidesz, Hungarian member of the Parliamentary Network “Women Free from Violence” of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, Katalin Ertsey MP – LMP explained the Role of Parliaments in Combating Violence against Women and for the Ratification of the Istanbul Convention.

Finally, a general discussion took place in which the future Steps to be taken for the effective response to violence against women was discussed as well as the room for and framework of cooperation between state actors and NGOs.

The forum was closed by His Excellency, the Ambassador of Finland, Mr Pasi Tuominen.

A video message of Mr Mendes Bota, Parliamentary Network “Women Free from Violence” of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly , was made available here.

hungary small

In the framework of the EWL-COE joint project, the HWL has organised as well a cultural event on the 4th December at the University of Fine Arts in Budapest, at the “finissage” of the Poste fortomorrow Gender Equality Now! Exhibition. The HWL psychologist expert, Eva Horváth talked with Veronika Czapáry, a young writer who published a novel about incest from the viewpoint of a little girl (Megszámolt babák- Dolls counted). The event was advertised through the social media, and included young art students and general supporters of the women’s cause. The chair of HWL opened the event informing and introducing the Istanbul Convention.

Find out more here.


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