Press releases

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  • #20yrsEndDemand: 20 years of activism for a Europe Free from Prostitution

    #20yrsEndDemand: 20 years of activism for a Europe Free from Prostitution

    European Women’s Lobby marks 20 years of campaigning ‘Together for a Europe Free from Prostitution’.
    Brussels, October 5 2018
    Failure to protect women in prostitution Violence, sexism and racism are inherent to the system of prostitution. 60-80% of women in prostitution experience regular physical and sexual abuse, causing long-term health impacts. The mortality rate of women in prostitution is 10-40 times higher than the average. Migrant women and young girls are especially vulnerable to (...) Read more

  • We are every woman

    We are every woman

    [Brussels, 18 January 2018]
    As the report by the Irish Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment will continue to be discussed in the Dáil today (18 January), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the platform representing women’s organisations throughout the EU, is calling on the Irish Government to support the recommendations of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment. These (...) Read more

  • We won’t wait another century

    We won't wait another century

    [Press statement, Brussels 20 November 2017] Today, the European Commission’s 2017 Annual Colloquium on Fundamental Rights starts in Brussels. This year’s focus is on "Women’s rights in turbulent times". The objective of the Annual Colloquium is “to improve mutual cooperation and greater political engagement for the promotion and protection of key fundamental rights in the EU.”
    The Europe we want? It is important to appreciate how far we have come in strengthening women’s rights in the past (...) Read more

  • Gender equality in Europe - It’s about time!

    Gender equality in Europe - It's about time!

    [Brussels 11 October 2017] Today, the European Institute for Gender Equality launched the 2017 edition of its Gender Equality Index (GEI). This valuable statistical instrument measures progress on gender equality in Europe and provides a tool to help women’s rights activists to identify gender gaps that require more robust measures.
    Progress? The European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest coalition for women’s rights in Europe, welcomes the overall progress evidenced by the latest edition of (...) Read more

  • Media Advisory

    Media Advisory

    Cover the reality of violence against women and girls.
    Interested journalists are invited to contact: Elvira Buijink, Communications & Media Officer 0032 2 210 04 40
    What The European Women’s Lobby, the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union, is organising an international conference followed by a demonstration themed “Loud and United to end violence against women and girls.” Globally recognised feminist activist Gloria (...) Read more

  • 2017 European Year of focused action to fight violence against women: will the EU walk the talk?

     2017 European Year of focused action to fight violence against women: will the EU walk the talk?

    This year’s celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of violence against women is marked by two instrumental political initiatives at EU level. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) warmly welcomes both the European Commission’s decision to dedicate 2017 to combating violence against women, and the European Parliament’s resolution calling for the EU accession to the Istanbul Convention.
    “We congratulate EU Commissioner Jourova for her strong commitment to put an end to the most (...) Read more

  • Time for EU action to implement gender-sensitive humanitarian response, say women’s organisations

    Time for EU action to implement gender-sensitive humanitarian response, say women's organisations

    [European Women’s Lobby Press Release, Brussels, 2 June 2016] Today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) unveils its #womensvoices recommendations on preventing and combating violence against refugee women and girls on the move. “From conflict to peace? Women’s and girls’ voices on the move” is a five-month project partnering the European Women’s Lobby and the Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) and aiming to raise awareness on the situation of women and girls refugees in Europe.
    Women and girls (...) Read more

  • Historical day for women’s rights: France chooses the abolition of the system of prostitution!

    Historical day for women's rights: France chooses the abolition of the system of prostitution!

    [Brussels, 6 April 2016] [Version française ici] The vote of the French National Assembly today opens a new page in the history of victories for humanist and feminist associations: by adopting the law aiming to reinforce the fight against the system of prostitution and to support persons in prostitution, France reaffirms essential values for equality between women and men, dignity and solidarity. And positions itself on the side of prostituted persons, by recognizing the system which (...) Read more

  • Women care for society, it’s time society cares for women

    Women care for society, it's time society cares for women

    [Brussels, 8 March 2016] On this International Women’s Day, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) launches its Campaign ‘Together we can make it happen, Equal Pension Rights for Women Now!’
    The campaign draws attention to the blatant discrimination that women face as they age. The accompanying video clip shows that the entrenched male bread-winner model requires robust measures to move towards an equal earner-equal carer model for the Europe of tomorrow while safeguarding women’s pension rights (...) Read more

  • WEstart conference 11 September 2015

    WEstart conference 11 September 2015

    Today is a special day for Europe’s women social entrepreneurs. Today, we start a new conversation about what it means to do business in Europe. Today, we start to change our focus, from profit for profit’s take, to profit for a purpose. Today we start to recognise the potential of the women who are working for a better Europe. Today, WEstart together
    [Brussels, 11 September 2015]
    First research on women-led social enterprise in Europe reveals thriving sector, untapped potential
    On (...) Read more



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