European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • How the US Helms Amendment Hurts Women raped in War

    How the US Helms Amendment Hurts Women raped in War

    [Global Justice Center, September 2014] It is a shame that 65 years after signing the Geneva Conventions, the U.S. continues to violate the treaty by discriminating against female survivors of war rape. This is because the U.S. the world’s largest humanitarian aid donor – places blanket abortion restrictions on its aid to war rape survivors. They are denied access to life-saving abortions, which in war can mean a death sentence to girls and women, half of whom are children. See below a (...) Read more

  • Ireland: The Shame and the Pain – the failure of the State in its duty of care

    Ireland: The Shame and the Pain – the failure of the State in its duty of care

    [Brussels, 18 September 2014] On Tuesday the 9 September, an emotional and deeply disturbing public hearing was held in the European Parliament with a delegation of Irish women who experienced institutional abuse in “Mother and Baby” homes, throughout Ireland (north and south) by state-funded institutions run by religious orders.
    The Public Hearing organised by MEP Martina Anderson (GUE/NGL), heard survivors tell their painful stories of being forced to give their children for adoption at a (...) Read more

  • UK: Delivering for women globally: Womankind’s vision for the next UK Government

    UK: Delivering for women globally: Womankind's vision for the next UK Government

    [London, 18 September 2014] A new Womankind policy briefing, launched in September 2014, calls on the incoming Government to ensure that its internationally-focused work delivers for women.
    Today, Womankind is launching a new policy briefing to outline how the next UK government can and must deliver for women after the upcoming general election.
    The briefing, entitled “ Delivering for women globally: Womankind’s vision for the next UK Government”, outlines priority actions to address the (...) Read more

  • The Economist Is Just Plain Wrong

    The Economist Is Just Plain Wrong

    [Advocates for Human Rights, September 2014] An editorial from The Economist, “Prostitution and the internet: More bang for your buck,” contends that the internet offers the solution to the social ills associated with prostitution. Despite the magic of the internet and the appeal of a classic free-market analysis, our work at The Advocates for Human Rights combating sex trafficking has shown that prostitution is not and never will be a normal service industry. The Economist’s analysis purports (...) Read more

  • UN Women Beijing+20 campaign: women and the economy

    UN Women Beijing+20 campaign: women and the economy

    [September 2014] In 2015, the Beijing Platform for Action runs 20. As part of UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign, this month’s focus is on the Women and the Economy. You can find more information on UN Women Beijing+20 website: facts and figures, take the quizz!, interview with Christine Lagarde, news from the world and videos, resources.
    Many doors have opened. Women today are farmers, factory workers, CEOs of companies, scientists, engineers, doctors, and hold many other jobs that may have (...) Read more

  • Germany: "Prostitution - who gives advice to our government?"

    Germany: "Prostitution - who gives advice to our government?"

    [EMMA, 4 September 2014] After publishing our investigation on the "whores" who give advices to our government concerning the change to prostitution law, canadian-based blogger and writer Sabine C. Becker translated our article into English immediately. Here is her translation.
    In the middle of the summer, came out with the provocative headline: “These Whores are Government Advisors”. And then readers who were so inclined found out that the “whores”, Johanna Weber (46) and Fabienne (...) Read more

  • Jimmy Carter Urges Ireland to Take the Lead against Trafficking and Prostitution

    Jimmy Carter Urges Ireland to Take the Lead against Trafficking and Prostitution

    [Brussels, 2 September 2014] Former US president Jimmy Carter has called on Ireland to take a lead in introducing legislation to target the buyers of sex. In letters to the Taoiseach (head of government), the Minister for Justice and all members of the Oireachtas (parliament), Mr Carter urged politicians to act with a "sense of urgency" to protect prostituted women and girls.
    Backing a recommendation made by the Oireachtas Committee on Justice last year to criminalise those who purchase (...) Read more

  • Germany: Abolition 2014 denounces the lobby of the sex industry towards the federal government

    Germany: Abolition 2014 denounces the lobby of the sex industry towards the federal government

    Press release on the hearing of the BMFSFJ [German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth] about the regulation of the prostitution industry on 12 June 2014, published on 26 June 2014 (1)
    On 12 June 2014, the BMFSFJ held a hearing on the planned reform of the prostitution law in order to gain a "comprehensive picture" on the subject. The hearing was held behind closed doors. Already in advance, the public had been left in the dark about whom the Federal (...) Read more

  • International Youth Day 2014: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights matter for Young People’s Mental Health!

    International Youth Day 2014: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights matter for Young People's Mental Health!

    [Brussels, 25 August 2014] August 12 was International Youth Day. You can read below the press release of the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) with regards to the urgency to promote and guarantee youth sexual and reproductive health and rights.
    On International Youth Day 2014, the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) joins advocates worldwide in calling for efforts to support young people’s mental health, so that they can lead lives free from isolation (...) Read more

  • The Istanbul Convention to protect women against all forms of violence enters into force!

    The Istanbul Convention to protect women against all forms of violence enters into force!

    EWL welcomes the entry in to force on the 1st of August of the Council of Europe’s Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
    Known also as the “Istanbul Convention”, this convention obliges governments that have ratified it to counter all forms of violence against women. They will have to take specific steps to fight rape and sexual violence, stalking, sexual harassment, domestic violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
    EWL has been (...) Read more



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