European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • 4th International Conference on Survivors of Rape (ICSoR)

    4th International Conference on Survivors of Rape (ICSoR)

    (Brussels 9 July) The Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) announced today that the 4th International Conference on Survivors of Rape (ICoSR) will be hosted in Lisbon, by Portugal’s Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violencia (AMCV), in 2014.
    The Conference’s overall aim is to gather and share best practice on responding to sexual violence internationally and to drive change, as Cliona Saidlear, RCNI chair of ICSoR 2012, noted. It is a significant experience for activists, professionals and (...) Read more

  • V-Day 2013 - The Largest Mobilisation in Human History

    V-Day 2013 - The Largest Mobilisation in Human History

    [Brussels 08 July] V-Day Stage Two Announced: One Billion Rising for Justice One Billion Rising Campaign Deepens and Expands with Focus on Justice International Activist and Actor Monique Wilson Named One Billion Rising Director
    V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls, and the One Billion Rising campaign have today announced the launch of One Billion Rising for Justice. The campaign will build upon the energy and momentum that was created in 2013 when one (...) Read more

  • France proposes gender equality law

    France proposes gender equality law

    (Brussels 8 July) On the 3rd of July, a new piece of legislation was proposed in the French Parliament, whose aim is to combat gender inequality in the French society.
    The proposed legislation, if and when passed, will address gender inequality on several fronts, including, among others, stereotyping in the media, domestic violence against women, parental rights and obligations, and women’s representation in businesses.
    The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is very happy to see that France is (...) Read more

  • UN Call for Communications: allegations of human rights violations affecting the status of women

    UN Call for Communications: allegations of human rights violations affecting the status of women

    [Brussels 08 July] The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women have issued a call for communications worldwide to report on violations of human rights. Individuals, non-governmental organizations, groups and networks are invited to submit written communications—including, but not limited to, complaints, appeals and petitions—to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) with information on alleged injustices and human rights violations against women in any country. Examples of (...) Read more

  • MEP awards go to strong supporters of gender equality!

    MEP awards go to strong supporters of gender equality!

    [Brussels, 01 July 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) congratulates the 18 winners of the 9th annual MEP Awards, a price that is attributed to the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) for an excellent contribution to an EU policy area which they work on.
    The EWL is very happy to see among the winners Mariya Gabriel and Ana Gomez, two MEPs particularly devoted to combating inequality between women and men and who joined the EWL 50/50 campaigndedicated to women’s participation in (...) Read more

  • The gender aspect of the priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency

    The gender aspect of the priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency

    [Brussels, 4 July] The Lithuanian Republic holds, for the first time in its history, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), under the leadership of its first female President, Dalia Grybauskait?. The recently announced priorities set by the Presidency can be summarized as aiming for a "credible, growing and open" Europe. In a more specific context, emphasis will be given on financial stability and growth, the strengthening of the external borders of the EU and the (...) Read more

  • Istanbul Feminist Collective - call for women’s rights

    Istanbul Feminist Collective - call for women's rights

    [Istanbul, 02 July] From the Istanbul Feminist Collective. The opposition to the illegal ‘urban gentrification’ in Turkey was met by heavy police violence and in return an even larger number of people took to the streets.
    During the reign of the AKP (Turkish Justice and Development Party) – one of the most misogynistic homophobic and transphobic governments of Turkey’s republican history – there has been a large increase in the number of women and LGBT murders. Officials have not taken women’s (...) Read more

  • Irish Parliamentary Committee on Justice recommends the criminalisation of the purchase of sex

    Irish Parliamentary Committee on Justice recommends the criminalisation of the purchase of sex

    [Brussels, 28 June 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is delighted to share with you this very good news about Ireland: the Irish Parliamentary Committee on Justice issued a report today recommending the criminalization of the buying of sex.
    In its “Report on the Review of the Legislation on Prostitution in Ireland”, the Committee recommends that provision should be made in law for a summary offence penalising the purchase of sexual services of another person by means of prostitution, or any (...) Read more

  • Quarterly Review: EU Employment and Social Situation

    Quarterly Review: EU Employment and Social Situation

    [Brussels, 25 June 2013] The Commission has published a press release on the Quarterly Review of the EU employment and social situation.
    Quarterly Review confirms persistent difficulties and highlights advantages of traineeships, quality childcare and latest migration trends
    According to this edition of the EU Employment and Social Situation Quarterly Review, labour market and social challenges have been growing over recent months, as the EU is still faced with ever higher unemployment (...) Read more

  • Global Justice Center: UN Security Council Addresses Sexual & Reproductive Rights for Girls & Women Raped in War

    Global Justice Center: UN Security Council Addresses Sexual & Reproductive Rights for Girls & Women Raped in War

    [Brussels, 27 June 2013] The European Women’s Lobby is pleased to share with you the latest press release of the Global Justice Center, welcoming the UN Security Council’s call for UN entities and donors to provide non-discriminatory and comprehensive health services, including sexual and reproductive health services.
    The EWL welcomes such statement from the UN, as it has been supportive of the August 12th campaign of the Global Justice Center, calling for abortion right to be granted to (...) Read more



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