European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • New WHO report on Violence against women: It’s a global health problem of epidemic proportions

    New WHO report on Violence against women: It's a global health problem of epidemic proportions

    (Geneva, 20 June 2013) 35% of all women will experience either intimate partner or non-partner violence, 30% of women worldwide are affected by intimate partner violence!
    The new World Health Organisation (WHO) report on “Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence” revels the striking data. Prepared in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the South (...) Read more

  • Malala Day - 12th July 2013

    Malala Day - 12th July 2013

    [Brussels, 28 June] On the 12th July 2013 Malala Yousafzai, a brave young girl will be celebrating her 16th birthday. On this momentous day known globally as Malala Day, Malala will be joining young leaders from around the world as part of a special youth assembly at the United Nations in New York, to take forward the UN’s ‘Global Education First Initiative’ to call on world leaders to demand an education for all children. Globally, 61 million children are denied an education, with girls (...) Read more

  • A new interactive e-learning tool to raise awareness on female genital mutilation (FGM)

    [Brussels, 27 June 2013]
    An estimated 500,000 women and girls living in the European Union (EU) are affected by FGM, with a further 180,000 at-risk each year.
    In the view of the rising EU preoccupation with this striking problem, the European Commission conducted in June this year a consultation on female genital mutilation (FGM) aiming at the development of necessary measures at EU level to fight the practice (read EWL contribution). In their contributions to the consultation, the EWL, (...) Read more

  • European Parliament Women’s Rights Committee calls for legislation to stop Gendercide

    European Parliament Women's Rights Committee calls for legislation to stop Gendercide

    [Brussels 19 June] FEMM committee reports on the need for new legislation to stop "gendercide"
    Promotion of an educational and social environment where women and men are equal, prevention of sex selection as a business, and combating discrimination against born or unborn girl child are just some of the proposals agreed by the Committee on Women’s Rights on Wednesday in a resolution on the so called "gendercide", i.e. the killing of people belonging to a particular sex. The resolution also (...) Read more

  • European Parliament: Women on Boards discussion with National Parliaments

    European Parliament: Women on Boards discussion with National Parliaments

    [Brussels 21 June] Report from the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee - Women on boards: discussion with national parliaments
    All obstacles to the election of women on companies’ boards should be removed by applying principles of justice, equality and transparency, agreed most of the speakers in a meeting on Wednesday of the Committees on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality and Legal Affairs with representatives of the national parliaments. Members want to clarify the scope and the (...) Read more

  • Violence against women worldwide is ‘epidemic’

    Violence against women worldwide is ‘epidemic'

    [Brussels 21 June] The World Health Organisation (WHO) has classified violence against women as an ‘epidemic’. More than one in three women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence, a report by the World Health Organization and other groups says.
    It says 38% of all women murdered were killed by their partners, and such violence is a major contributor to depression and other health problems.
    WHO head Margaret Chan said violence against women was "a global health problem of (...) Read more

  • New report reveals inequalities in access to contraceptive choice in 10 European countries and calls for coherent policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights

    New report reveals inequalities in access to contraceptive choice in 10 European countries and calls for coherent policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights

    [International Planned Parenthood Federation, Brussels 19 June 2013] A new report analysing contraceptive access across Europe has been launched today in the European Parliament at an event chaired by MEP Katarína Neve?alová. The report reveals serious differences between countries in how they approach access to contraceptive choice.
    ’The Barometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice in 10 EU Countries’ was developed by the International Planned Parenthood Federation European (...) Read more

  • Time for action to end violence against women: UN Women

    Time for action to end violence against women: UN Women

    [Brussels 18 June] At the ACP-EU Parliamentary Assembly, acting head of UN Women Lakshmi Puri gave a speech on Ending Violence against Women and Children, in Brussels. This is the full text of the speech delivered in the European Parliament.
    Good morning.
    Honourable Co-Presidents of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly Ms. Joyce Laboso (congratulations on this new important role) and Mr. Louis Michel, Honourable Members of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I thank you for inviting me (...) Read more

  • European Institute for Gender Equality Index - EU Countries still very far from equality

    European Institute for Gender Equality Index - EU Countries still very far from equality

    [Brussels 13 June] The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) today launched their index on Gender inequality in Europe. Taking 0 as inequality and 100 as perfect equality, the rating that the Institute gave Europe was a disappointing 54 - proving that despite ’apparent’ equality, we are very far from actual equality.
    The report wes commissioned as equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the European Union, enshrined in its Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental (...) Read more

  • States Accountable for Investigating and Preventing Violence Against Women: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

    States Accountable for Investigating and Preventing Violence Against Women: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women

    [Geneva, 10 June 2013] States need to be held accountable not only for investigating all acts of violence against women but also for failing to prevent such violence, an independent United Nations human rights expert has said.
    “The State has an obligation to investigate all acts of violence against women, including systemic failures to prevent violence against women,” said Special Rapporteur on Violence against women, Rashida Manjoo. “There is a need to create a framework for discussing the (...) Read more



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