European & International News

International news globe All the latest news from the European Union, its member states, and beyond.

  • New study finds prostitution in every London borough and that trafficked women are being exploited on-street

    New study finds prostitution in every London borough and that trafficked women are being exploited on-street

    [London, 10 June 2013] Capital Exploits: A Study of Prostitution and Trafficking in London, published on 7 June 2013, examines changing trends and patterns in prostitution and trafficking for the purposes of prostitution across London. The study, published by Eaves for Women was commissioned by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) in the context of their Violence Against Women and Girls strategy, and is based on six months of intensive research in the capital. Some of its key (...) Read more

  • US mission to the EU - Focus on women - with the EWL

    US mission to the EU - Focus on women - with the EWL

    (Brussels 07 July) Women Focus Week will start next Monday on the social media channels of the US Mission to the EU. The idea is to engage people in online debate on issues close to all of our hearts, including engaging women in peace and security, education, safety and political participation.
    The conversation about all of these topics will be held online on the following channels - and on twitter @US2EU #WomenFocusWeek.
    Please join in - your input (...) Read more

  • Art Directors Club launches 50/50 iniative

    Art Directors Club launches 50/50 iniative

    (Brussels 06 June) Late last week, the Art Directors Club, an American organisation for professionals in visual communications which “produces a wide range of programs on advertising, design, and interactive media for professionals, students, and others with a serious interest in visual communications” launched a powerful, new campaign, titled “50/50.”
    The European Women’s Lobby actively monitor progress and campaigns for gender equality worldwide, so we were delighted to see this initiative (...) Read more

  • New European Commission report says more must be done for Childcare - Pensions

    New European Commission report says more must be done for Childcare - Pensions

    [Brussels, 03 June 2013] From the European Commission - Early this week the Commission released a report on the Barcelona objectives concluding Member States must do more for childcare and published a new expert study on the gender gap in pensions in the EU.
    The EWL welcomes the report and study that highlights the relationship between care and inequality. Gender inequality persists as care continues to be framed as a women’s issue, rather than a collective societal responsibility. The (...) Read more

  • Time has come to address links between prostitution and trafficking, say 11 frontline NGOs

    Time has come to address links between prostitution and trafficking, say 11 frontline NGOs

    [Brussels, 3 June 2013] Eleven civil society organisations working primarily at supporting victims of prostitution and trafficking and advocating for abolitionist policies on prostitution, issued a statement at the first meeting of the EU civil society platform against trafficking in human beings. As signatories of the Brussels’ Call, they call on the EU and the Member States to address legislations on prostitution: "To the fore will be the practical assertion that it is impossible to (...) Read more

  • European Parliament approves EU-wide civil law protection for victims

    (Brussels, 22 May) The EWL welcomes the adoption by the European Parliament of the EU-wide civil protection order for victims of violence, especially for violence against women. The measures will ensure that protection granted in one European country will be maintained when the person travels to another. These civil law rules complement the European Protection Order, which already provides similar protection under criminal law.
    The regulation, to apply directly in all member states, will (...) Read more

  • Amnesty International END FGM campaigners meet Commissioner Reding

    Amnesty International END FGM campaigners meet Commissioner Reding

    (Brussels 24 May) Key demands of Amnesty International’s END FGM European Campaign were handed over to the European Commissioner Vice-President Viviane Reding by Strong Voice Aissatou Diallo and Campaign Director, Dr Christine Loudes in Brussels yesterday. The END FGM campaign centered upon a pan-European petition, signed by thousands of European citizens to bring an end to the practice. An art piece made of mirror and signed rose petals seeking EU action against female genital mutilation (...) Read more

  • 66th World Health Assembly: Seven governments adopt statement on VAWG

    66th World Health Assembly: Seven governments adopt statement on VAWG

    (Brussels, 23 May 2013) During the annual gathering of the world’s health ministers, seven governments - Belgium, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, United States of America, and Zambia - issued a statement at the conclusion of a panel discussion declaring violence against women and girls "a major global public health, gender equality and human rights challenge, touching every country and every part of society" and proposing an agenda item on the topic for the 67th World Health Assembly. (...) Read more

  • Opening of a new UN Women’s Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen

    Opening of a new UN Women's Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen

    (Brussels, 15 May 2013) On the 23rd of April Acting Head of UN Women Lakshmi Puri and Danish Prime minister of Development Cooperation Christian Friis Bach opened a new UN Women’s Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen.
    The UN Women Sub-regional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, dealing mostly with Central Asian countries is being established in Istanbul. More information about Un Women county offices in European and Central Asia. Acting Head of UN Women, Lakshmi Puri, and Danish (...) Read more

  • Not an either or - decreasing HIV/AIDS vs anti-trafficking - Equality Now

    Not an either or - decreasing HIV/AIDS vs anti-trafficking - Equality Now

    (New York, 14 May 2013) On 13 May 2013, Equality Now was invited to speak at the UN High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Global Plan of Actions to Combat Trafficking in Persons.
    Lauren Hersh, Equality Now New York Office Director, delivered the attached statement regarding the UN agency reports on HIV/AIDS and the need for consultation with anti-trafficking organizations. Those demands were already addressed last year, in a joint letter from several NGOs, including the (...) Read more



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