European & International News

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  • One Billion Rising shakes the whole world!

    One Billion Rising shakes the whole world!

    [Brussels, 15 February 2013] The whole world can remember this year’s Valentine’s Day as a day of festive action against violence against women! One Billion Rising brought millions of people to dance and sing and show their support to end violence against women in 193 countries in the world. Starting form Australia, an enormous dancing wave shook the planet and called for a real and effective struggle against violence against women.
    Watch here some of the hundreds events which took place (...) Read more

  • Mayor attacks women’s political coalition in Bosnia

    Mayor attacks women's political coalition in Bosnia

    [Brussels, 15 February 2013] Following an inaugural event marking the formation of a cross-party network of female parliamentarians in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the mayor of Novi Grad, a municipality in Sarajevo dismissed it as ‘brainwashing’.
    Commenting on a picture of the event on facebook, Semir Efendi? asserted that “Sex is a completely wrong basis for political organization and can only do harm, especially to women who through such organizations get brain washed to the point where they are (...) Read more

  • European Council Agrees on New Budget

    European Council Agrees on New Budget

    [Brussels, 15 February 2013] Last week the European Council agreed on the new EU budget for 2014-2020, set at €960bn which is 1% of EU Gross National Income (GNI), down from 1.12% as set in the 2007-2013 budget. The new budget is the first net reduction in the Union’s history.
    Although the conclusions from the European Council meeting outline the new budget’s aim to “reflect the consolidation efforts being made by Member States to bring deficit and debt onto a more sustainable path,”, with (...) Read more

  • French and UK lower houses vote in favour of same-sex marriage

    French and UK lower houses vote in favour of same-sex marriage

    [Brussels, 15 February 2013] French and UK lower houses voted in favour of same-sex marriage. After the votes by the upper houses, they will be the twelfth and the thirteenth countries in Europe to legalize same-sex marriage.
    On the 5 February 2013, the House of Commons (UK) voted a bill to legalize same sex marriage, with 400 in favour and 175 against. The debate was a big source of division in the Conservative party.
    Watch a video of the vote here.
    In France, the National Assembly (...) Read more

  • Herman Van Rompuy is rising against VAW ! What about the EU budget?

    Herman Van Rompuy is rising against VAW ! What about the EU budget?

    [Brussels, 08 February 2013] Herman Van Rompuy has shown his support to One Billion Rising and the struggle against Violence Against Women in a video. What about EU budget which is currently negotiated at the extraordinary European Summit?
    Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, is RISING! Can we rely on the future EU budget to ensure appropriate funding for work to end violence against women and girls?
    Smart budgeting tip of the day: 1 Euro invested in prevention of (...) Read more

  • Eliminate violence against women, say members of the European Parliament

    Eliminate violence against women, say members of the European Parliament

    [Brussels, 07 February 2013, EP Press Service] MEPs support the UN structures fighting to put an end to all types of gender-based violence, inequalities and discrimination in the world. They call on the European Commission and the Member States to increase their efforts domestically.
    All forms of violence against women and girls need to be tackled, underline MEPs in their resolution voted this Wednesday 6/02. The oral question was debated with Commissioner Viviane Reding on Monday 4/02 (...) Read more

  • END FGM European Campaign: Amnesty International releases new video to mark International day of zero tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation

    END FGM European Campaign: Amnesty International releases new video to mark International day of zero tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation

    [Brussels, 06 February 2013] 6 February 2013 is the tenth anniversary of the International day of zero tolerance of female genital mutilation (FGM). At this occasion and in the framework of the European campaign “END FGM”, Amnesty International released a video recalling that FGM is a fundamental human right violation which also happens in Europe.
    Every minute, five girls in the world are victims of FGM. In Europe, 180 000 girls and women are at risk of being victims of this severe human (...) Read more

  • New EIGE report on violence against women highlights the need for sustainable measures for victim support and women’s NGOs

    New EIGE report on violence against women highlights the need for sustainable measures for victim support and women's NGOs

    [Brussels, 04 February 2013] The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has issued its report “Review of the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States: Violence against Women - Victim Support”. EIGE’s Report delivers a full set of comparable and reliable data and an in-depth overview of the range, extent, actual use and quality of support services for women victims of domestic violence in the 27 EU Member States and Croatia. It finds out that in the EU, 9 (...) Read more

  • The European Parliament danced with Eve Ensler for One Billion Rising!

    The European Parliament danced with Eve Ensler for One Billion Rising!

    [Brussels, 01 February 2013] One Billion Rising seems likely to be "the biggest feminist tsunami ever", said Eve Ensler on tuesday 29 January 2013 at the European Parliament in Brussels.
    The author of The Vagina Monologues and initiator of V-Day and One Billion Rising joined on tuesday 8 MEPs in a press conference and beautiful dance to present the biggest event ever to raise awareness and fight against violence against women. The press conference was hosted by MEP Isabelle Durant, Vice (...) Read more

  • Feminist activist Pinar Selek sentenced to life in Turkey

    Feminist activist Pinar Selek sentenced to life in Turkey

    [Brussels, 01 February 2013] Turkish sociologist Pinar Selek was sentenced to life imprisonment in Turkey after 15-Year trial. She currently lives and works in Strasbourg (France) and runs the risk to be under arrest if she returns to her native country. An arrest warrant has been also issued.
    15 years ago, Pinar Selek was arrested and convicted by the Turkish authorities, on the ground of terrorism, for the explosion of the Spice Bazaar in Istanbul (1998). She was suspected of being a (...) Read more



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