EWL News

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  • Refugee #womensvoices are on the political agenda in Lisbon, Vienna, Brussels and Rome

    Refugee #womensvoices are on the political agenda in Lisbon, Vienna, Brussels and Rome

    [Brussels, 7 November 2016] After the summer break, October brought the voices of refugee women and girls back on the political agenda. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) project From conflict to peace? continues to be visible thanks to the commitment and action of EWL members across Europe. We expect that EU and national decision-makers will hear refugee #womensvoices and take action to end the violations of their human rights throughout Europe and beyond.
    On 14 October, the Portuguese (...) Read more

  • CSW61: Promote the human rights of female migrant and domestic workers!

    CSW61: Promote the human rights of female migrant and domestic workers!

    [Brussels, 25 October 2016] Every year, United Nations countries meet in New York in March to discuss the progress towards the realisation of women’s human rights. The theme of the upcoming session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) is "women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work". In a written statement ahead of the meeting, we emphasise the urgent need for UN Member States to ensure human rights and decent working conditions for female domestic workers all (...) Read more

  • From one feminist President to the next...

    From one feminist President to the next...

    [Brussels, 21 October 2016] This weekend, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) will hold its first Board meeting under the feminist supervision of the recently elected President, Edith Schratzberger-Vecsei. In this interview, Communications Officer, Elvira Buijink catches up with Schratzberger-Vecsei and her predecessor Viviane Teitelbaum. Edith is not new to the EWL, she has taken on the role of Vice-President since 2014 and has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2013. She is a (...) Read more

  • Feminist perspectives on global issues in Europe - Conference 24-25 October 2016, Brussels

    Feminist perspectives on global issues in Europe - Conference 24-25 October 2016, Brussels

    [Brussels 28 September 2016] The world seems to be in turmoil, and Europe is deeply affected as economic and political power is reconfiguring on a global scale. The recent Brexit is an expression of the deep divide in many countries, with right-wing populism on the rise. Years of austerity and market liberalisation politics have increased the social and economic precarity and feelings of insecurity. The lack of political transparency and democratic decision making resulted in a loss of (...) Read more

  • Black Protests - Women’s rights in Poland under a huge threat

    Black Protests - Women's rights in Poland under a huge threat

    Women organisations in Poland and Europe are reacting strongly against the decision taken by the Polish Parliament on 23th of September to move ahead with the bill which would introduce a near-total ban on abortion. Furthermore, the Polish Parliament decided –without any further discussion- to reject the bid proposed by women’s rights organisations to liberalise the existing law on abortion which is already one of the most restrictive in Europe. The Polish Parliament seems to be completely (...) Read more

  • Join us for the screening of "24 Horas Chicas Nuevas"

    Join us for the screening of "24 Horas Chicas Nuevas"

    [Brussels, 26 September 2016] Join us for the screening of "Chicas Nuevas 24 Horas", a documentary from the Spanish director Mabel Lozano. Together with GrupoSur, CIFCA, MujeresMundi, and l’Espace Genre de la Maison de l’Amérique Latine, the European Women’s Lobby invites you to know more about sex trafficking between South America and Spain. Hosted by the Instituto Cervantes, the event will welcome the film director, as well as Inés Ayala, Member of the European Parliament, for a discussion (...) Read more

  • Women in decision-making // Update

    Women in decision-making // Update

    [Brussels, 2 September 2016] Over the summer, the Vice President of the European Commission, Kristalina Georgieva, who is responsible for the Commission’s Human Resources, took a firm stance for gender equality within the commission by saying that unless more top jobs were given to women within the Commission, she would ensure a freeze on the hiring of men for top jobs. In response, EWL welcomed her determined, principled and action-oriented stance on the need for gender parity in management (...) Read more

  • The Europe we want? A Feminist Europe!

    The Europe we want? A Feminist Europe!

    [Statement of the European Women’s Lobby, Brussels, 28 June 2016] At the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), we are shocked and dismayed by the outcome of the UK Referendum. British women’s rights activists were part of founding our organization and have been at the forefront of successfully demanding a better deal for women in the EU for the past 25 years.
    Five decades of EU action have most certainly advanced gender equality on our continent. With pressure from EWL, our members and allies, the EU (...) Read more

  • EWL mourns the death of Jo Cox

    EWL mourns the death of Jo Cox

    [Statement of the European Women’s Lobby, Brussels, 27 June 2016] We are in deep shock and sorrow over the brutal murder of British MP Jo Cox. “Jo was a dear personal friend of mine and was exactly the kind of person you hoped would go into politics: an extraordinary, brilliant and fearless feminist propelled by a passion for women’s rights and social justice, and driven by a belief that we can and must fight for a safer, fairer and more equal world.” says EWL Secretary General Joanna Maycock. (...) Read more

  • New factsheet on women and homelessness in the EU, by FEANTSA and the EWL

    New factsheet on women and homelessness in the EU, by FEANTSA and the EWL

    [Brussels, 20 June 2016] The European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless, FEANTSA, and the European Women’s Lobby, EWL, have issued a factsheet on women and homelessness to give visibility to the gender specific needs and the significant overlap between women’s homelessness and violence against women in the EU.
    Find the factsheet here.
    The European Parliament has recently launched a written declaration calling for a renewed focus on reducing homelessness across (...) Read more



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