EWL News

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  • EWL deeply concerned about the proposal to restrict access to abortion and maternal health in Poland

    EWL deeply concerned about the proposal to restrict access to abortion and maternal health in Poland

    [Brussels, 15 June 2016] The European Women’s Lobby, EWL, has sent a letterto the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Ms Beata Szydlo, expressing its deep concern about the current proposal to restrict even more the access to abortion in Poland which tightens the already very restrictive abortion law- one of the most restrictive in the EU. If adopted, this would mean a significant increase in unsafe and clandestine abortions which would turn into a major health threat for Polish Women (...) Read more

  • #MoreInCommon: Celebrating the life of Jo Cox

    #MoreInCommon: Celebrating the life of Jo Cox

    [Brussels, June 20 2016] This Wednesday, 22 June, Jo Cox MP would have turned 42. Our gift to her, her family and all those who loved and cherished her, will be to come together to show the world there is more that unites us than divides us.
    Events will be held in several locations simultaneously, including her home constituency of Batley and Spen, London, Brussels, New York, Washington DC, and Nairobi. The coming together of thousands of people in love and solidarity with Jo proves the (...) Read more

  • EWL holds General Assembly in Brussels, 3-5 June 2016

    EWL holds General Assembly in Brussels, 3-5 June 2016

    [Brussels, 16 June 2016] From 3 to 5 June, the European Women’s Lobby held its Annual General Assembly and Board meetings. It was an exciting few days in which we discussed how to progress in the implementation of our vision of a Feminist Europe.
    We said an emotional farewell to our outgoing President Viviane Teitelbaum, who has served as President for the past 4 years. She will continue her feminist engagement as President of the Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique (one half of our (...) Read more

  • Post-2016 EU Strategy on human trafficking must put gender equality and dignity at its core

    Post-2016 EU Strategy on human trafficking must put gender equality and dignity at its core

    [Brussels, 8 June 2016] Ahead of the 7th meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on trafficking in human beings, the European Women’s Lobby coordinated a joint contribution to the European Commission, to inform on the consultation on the post-2016 EU Strategy on trafficking in human beings. 36 organisations co-signed this contribution, which will inform the discussions during the Platform’s meeting and will guide the EWL and its members’ work for the next 5 years
    As members of the EU Civil (...) Read more

  • Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 sustainable development agenda

    Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 sustainable development agenda

    [Press release of SDG Watch Europe, 6 June 2016] SDG Watch Europe, an alliance of 70 organisations including the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Plan International and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), has today (6 June) written to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker calling for him to adopt, as a matter of urgency, an overarching strategy to guide implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
    Leida Rijnhout, Director for Global Policies and Sustainability at (...) Read more

  • Hiring! Expert in women-led social entreprise in Luxembourg! Deadline 3 June 2016

    Hiring! Expert in women-led social entreprise in Luxembourg! Deadline 3 June 2016

    WEstart: Mapping Women’s Social Entrepreneurship in Europe is a ground-breaking research and advocacy project based out of the European Women’s Lobby Secretariat in Brussels. From 2014 to 2015, WEstart mapped women’s social entrepreneurship in 10 EU countries, using a team of 10 feminist consultants/social enterprise experts, who conducted desk-research to produce a short literature review on the overall context and state of social enterprise in their country, put together a (...) Read more

  • Climate is not gender neutral! Inspiring book launch celebrating collaboration between feminists and environmentalists

    Climate is not gender neutral! Inspiring book launch celebrating collaboration between feminists and environmentalists

    [Brussels, 24 May 2016] Yesterday, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) partnered for the launch of the book “Why women will save the planet”.
    The book was published in November last year as part of a Friends of the Earth project called ‘Big Ideas Change the World’. This project is exploring some of the key issues that can help to transform our society and make faster progress towards the goals of environmental sustainability and well-being for everyone. Is (...) Read more

  • Joint NGO statement: Whose values? Upholding the rule of law and universal human rights for all and at any time

    Joint NGO statement: Whose values? Upholding the rule of law and universal human rights for all and at any time

    [19 May 2016, Brussels] ENAR, the European Women’s Lobby, ILGA-Europe and CEJI-A Jewish contribution to an inclusive Europe publish this statement ahead of a meeting of the General Affairs Council of the European Union on 24 May to discuss integration of migrants in a rule of law dialogue.
    Over the past year, we have seen with growing alarm attempts to play out one group at risk of discrimination against another, using emotions to cultivate and justify a xenophobic political agenda. Women’s (...) Read more

  • Time to listen to us!

    Time to listen to us!

    [Brussels, 25 April 2016] On Monday 18 April 2016, a special event took place in Brussels at the historical feminist building “Amazone” in the district of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode. Activists from two women’s organisations came together to exchange over the challenges and backlashes that EU’s Enlargement to the East, in Central European, Baltic and Western Balkan States have generated as regards women’s rights.
    The EWL task force for Central European, Baltic and Balkan States, together with Kvinna (...) Read more

  • Join the event "Why women will save the planet", Brussels, 23 May

    Join the event "Why women will save the planet", Brussels, 23 May

    [Brussels, 27 April 2016] Friends of the Earth and the European Women’s Lobby are happy to invite you to the book launch & panel debate of ’Why Women Will Save the Planet’ (by Friends of the Earth). We are delighted to partner with Friends of the Earth for the event, which provides an inspiring follow-up to our work on women and the environment. Last June, we hold a webinar on the issue, as part of our Beijing+20 Year of Action, and last November we issued our recommendations to COP21. (...) Read more



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