EWL News

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  • EWL and EU Commissioner Jourová share opportunities for women’s rights in Europe

    EWL and EU Commissioner Jourová share opportunities for women's rights in Europe

    [Brussels, 11 February 2016] This morning, the EWL had the unique opportunity to meet with Commissioner Věra Jourová and discuss challenges and opportunities for the advancement of women’s human rights in Europe. We exchanged several concrete and positive ideas to achieve equality between women and men in Europe, with a focus on ending violence against women and the situation of women and girls refugees.
    The EWL Executive Committee welcomed Ms Jourová in Amazone, a women’s house in the center (...) Read more

  • Prostitution et commerce du sexe en discussion au Luxembourg

    Prostitution et commerce du sexe en discussion au Luxembourg

    [Luxembourg, 13 janvier 2016] C’est une salle comble qui est venue assister à la conférence « Prostitution et commerce du sexe : de la réalité à l’action » ce mercredi 13 janvier au Luxembourg. Organisée par le Conseil National des Femmes du Luxembourg (@CNFL_LUX) et le Lobby européen des femmes (LEF - @EuropeanWomen), l’évènement s’inscrit dans la campagne « Ensemble pour une Europe libérée de la prostitution » et vise à apporter des éléments nouveaux dans le débat sur la prostitution au Luxembourg. Pour la (...) Read more

  • Swedish movie “Honour” raises awareness on “honour” crimes

    Swedish movie “Honour” raises awareness on “honour” crimes

    [Brussels, 12 January 2016 ] On Tuesday 12 January, MEP Anna Hedh (S&D group, Sweden) hosted the Screening of “Honour” (“Heder”, in Swedish), a film based on a real case, that shows different forms of violence against women made in the name of “honour”. The screening was followed by a discussion with the crew of the film, European Parliament researchers and women’s rights organisations, such as the European Women’s Lobby and the Arab Women’s Solidarity Association Belgium AWSA-Be.
    In her (...) Read more

  • EU Parliament takes position on women’s rights and surrogacy

    EU Parliament takes position on women's rights and surrogacy

    [Brussels, 20 January 2016] Before the winter break, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a very important resolution on human rights and democracy in the world, where it calls for EU action on a series of issues. The rights of women and girls are an important part of the demands of the EP: the EWL welcomes such focus and hopes that the EP call will lead the European Commission to adopt concrete action to end the violations of women’s and girls’ rights both internally and externally.
    The EP (...) Read more

  • 2016


    [Brussels 22 December 2015] The European Women’s Lobby team in Brussels wishes all EWL members, friends, activists, partners and policy-makers a fantastic feminist 2016! Let’s continue to push together for true gender equality in a feminist Europe! See the highlights of our year in photos . Season’s greetings! Read more

  • I’m a feminist but... no Strategy on Equality between women & men

    I'm a feminist but... no Strategy on Equality between women & men

    [Brussels 9 December 2015] On Monday 7 December, EU Ministers for gender equality met for the EPSCO Council and “exchanged views on the strategic commitment to gender equality 2016-2019”. This strategic commitment is a staff working document, and not the EU Strategy that the Ministers, the European Parliament and the women’s organisations were expecting.
    For the EWL this is not good enough! EU Vice-President Timmermans said “I’m a feminist” at the United Nations last September. We want to see (...) Read more

  • Sainte Nicolette 2015! Thursday December 17, 2015

    Sainte Nicolette 2015! Thursday December 17, 2015

    Brussels, 23 November 2015] You are warmly invited to Sainte Nicolette 2015, the 5th anniversary of the European Women’s Lobby’s annual festive party! This friendly gathering will be an opportunity to toast to the end of another year of feminist action and activism all over Europe – and to bring in 2016! 2015 was a vibrant year for the EWL and the feminist movement worldwide, with the the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action as well as the 25th anniversary of the EWL.
    Join us (...) Read more

  • Successful EWL breakfast meeting on Gender Mainstreaming in the European Parliament

    Successful EWL breakfast meeting on Gender Mainstreaming in the European Parliament

    [Brussels, 9 December 2015] On Tuesday 8 December, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organised a breakfast meeting on the topic of gender mainstreaming for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). A legal obligation for the EU, gender mainstreaming is a proactive process aimed at realising women’s human rights in all policy areas, as women and girls are still facing inequalities and discrimination in all aspects of life.
    The EP has committed to gender mainstreaming and established a Network (...) Read more

  • Feminists for climate justice! #womensaveplanet #genderCOP21

    Feminists for climate justice! #womensaveplanet #genderCOP21

    [Brussels, 29 November 2015] Yesterday, on 28 November, two days before the start of the Climate Summit COP21, women’s organisations and feminists met in Paris to discuss the links between climate justice and women’s human rights. Organised by the French Group Gender and Climate Justice, the day was a great opportunity to give visibility to women’s contribution to climate justice, learn from innovative actions in different parts of the world, make contacts and build strategies. The European (...) Read more

  • International Day to End Violence Against Women 2015 #ourfuture

    International Day to End Violence Against Women 2015 #ourfuture

    [Brussels, 25 November] On this year’s International Day to End Violence Against Women the European Women’s Lobby calls once more on the European Commission and the European Union Member States to deliver a concrete and ambitious EU new Strategy for Equality between women and men. With a social media action under the hashtag #ourfuture, the EWL wants to highlight that the current strategy ends in December 2015 and that no plans for 2016 have been officially announced.
    We want an EU Strategy (...) Read more



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