EWL News

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  • Countdown towards the European elections: are the European political parties committed to gender equality?

    Countdown towards the European elections: are the European political parties committed to gender equality?

    [Brussels, 19 May 2014] This week, EU Citizens have the right to vote in the European elections. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has done some analysis of the manifestos of the main European political parties from a gender perspective. The EWL Gender Audit assesses the parties’ commitment to gender equality and how their manifestos compare with the EWL’s own manifesto for the elections.
    The EWL Manifesto "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!" makes three general demands: a (...) Read more

  • Persisting sex discrimination in access to goods and services, says the EWL and its members

    Persisting sex discrimination in access to goods and services, says the EWL and its members

    [Brussels, 21 May 2014] Today, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has sent to the European Commission its evaluation of the implementation of the Directive 2004/113, implementing the principle of equal treatment between women and men in the access to and supply of goods and services. Adopted in 2004, this Directive is instrumental for the achievement of gender equality, as it prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex/gender in access to goods and services. For example, the Directive (...) Read more

  • EWL hosts #Beijing20 Tweetathon launching Beijing+20 Global Campaign

    EWL hosts #Beijing20 Tweetathon launching Beijing+20 Global Campaign

    [Brussels, 23 May 2014] Yesterday, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) took part to the Tweetathon organised by UN Women to launch their Beijing+20 Campaign, in the lead-up to the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the historic Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. A global all-day Tweetathon took place on Twitter on 22 May, with 14 time slots hosted by 14 different organisations, amongst which the EWL. The Tweetathon was a unique opportunity to engage in a global dialogue through (...) Read more

  • Sarajevo, 20 May - First regional conference of the women’s NGOs partnership in Western Balkans on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention

    Sarajevo, 20 May - First regional conference of the women's NGOs partnership in Western Balkans on the implementation of the Istanbul Convention

    [Brussels, 22 May 2014] Sarajevo, 20 May - First regional conference of the women’s NGOs partnership in Western Balkans: Moving forwards to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention
    The advocacy conference held in Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on 20th of May was organised by United Women Banja Luka - implementing organisation from BiH of the EU funded project Coordinated efforts – Towards new European standards in the protection of women from gender-based (...) Read more

  • Swedish Women’s Lobby to look at Swedish candidates for the European elections- who stands up for gender equality?

    Swedish Women's Lobby to look at Swedish candidates for the European elections- who stands up for gender equality?

    [Brussels, 21 May 2014] The Swedish Women’s Lobby is monitoring their national candidates for the European Parliamentary election of 2014 based on their input to promote gender equality. Having long roots in gender-equality and women’s rights, the Swedes view the promotion of gender-equality as one of their most important exports to the European Union.
    “The voter needs to be able to have accountability that the representative will defend gender equality. If human rights principles are (...) Read more

  • Are you ready to commit to gender equality? The EWL Manifesto explained #EP2014

    Are you ready to commit to gender equality? The EWL Manifesto explained #EP2014

    [Brussels, 16 May 2014] Since March, every week, the European Women’s Lobby explains the demands of its Manifesto "Act now for her future, commit to gender equality!". The eighth and last demand of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), the largest umbrella organisation of women’s associations in the European Union, is credible EU policies on gender equality at international level.
    The EU: a key player in international issues
    The European Union (UE) is now a key player in international issues: it (...) Read more

  • #BringBackOurGirls home - EWL participates in solidarity rally at the Nigerian Embassy in Brussels

    #BringBackOurGirls home - EWL participates in solidarity rally at the Nigerian Embassy in Brussels

    [Press release of African Women’s League, Brussels, 16 May 2014] Following the kidnapping of more than 200 school children in North Nigeria, the African community in Belgium joins hands with sympathisers from all around the world in declaring their solidarity with the families of the missing girls and the people of Nigeria. To this effect, a solidarity rally was organised on Thursday, the 15th of May, 2014 on the grounds of the Nigerian Embassy in Brussels. The organisers requested the (...) Read more

  • EWL President highlights the importance of cooperation at IPPF Global Day in Brussels

    EWL President highlights the importance of cooperation at IPPF Global Day in Brussels

    [Brussels, 13 may 2014] On 13 May 2014, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) organsed a Global Day of Action to launch the worldwide campaign “I Decide” and Vision 2020 , a ten-point call to action. The aim is to raise awareness on the necessity to actively defend and implement sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and to call on world leaders to prioritize this issue. It is particularly crucial as the post-2015 Development Agenda is currently discussed, as well (...) Read more

  • Sweden can do more to prevent men’s violence against women - #5daysvp

    Sweden can do more to prevent men's violence against women - #5daysvp

    [Article published in Feministiskt Perspektiv, Stockholm, 11 May 2014, in Swedish here]
    Sweden has long been touted as a global leader on gender equality and violence prevention, and the country has made strides in reducing women’s experiences of abuse as well as other forms of violence. However, as in other countries, there is still work to be done. Critical reflection on where we are today and how we envision our field in the coming decades will help us to map a trajectory towards more (...) Read more

  • Belgian women’s rights organisations present their 10 priorities for the elections

    Belgian women's rights organisations present their 10 priorities for the elections

    [Brussels, 15 May 2014] 10 days before the elections in Belgium, which will take place not only on European but also on regional and federal level, 6 feminist umbrella organisations; the European Women’s Lobby, Conseil des Femmes Francophones de Belgique, Vrouwenraad, the Brussels section of the Marche Mondiale des Femmes, les Femmes Prevoyantes Socialistes, and the feminist reflection group Vrouwen Overleg Komitee presented their 10 common demands.
    The organisations gathered at Amazone, (...) Read more



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