EWL News

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  • YWCA - First Mary Robinson award for young women’s leadership in human rights

    YWCA - First Mary Robinson award for young women's leadership in human rights

    [YWCA, Zurich, 12 July 2011] The World Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) Council, a member of the EWL, organises the International Women’s Summit (IWS) which is a global conference on the cutting-edge issues in the lives of women.
    Mary Robinson, the first female President of Ireland (1990-1997) and present Chair of the Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice, gave a keynote speech in Zurich, Switzerland to present the first ever Mary Robinson Award for Young Women’s Leadership (...) Read more

  • European Network of Migrant Women presented in Spain

    European Network of Migrant Women presented in Spain

    [Brussels, 13 July 2011] The European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) has been officially presented in Madrid on 4 July 2011. The presentation was organised by the Association of Professional Women for Integration and Equality (Spain) whose President, Elsa Saleme, is on ENoMW board. The meeting took place in the office of the European Commission and was attended by various groups such as migrant women, NGOs and experts, but also decision-makers. It benefited as well from the presence of (...) Read more

  • EWL members elaborate on enhancing equal opportunities for Roma women

    EWL members elaborate on enhancing equal opportunities for Roma women

    [Brussels, 12 July 2011] The efforts of civil society activists have changed much about the way Roma women are perceived. Disadvantaged Roma women can no longer be solely seen as victims of multiple and intersectional discrimination. Rather, they need to actively embrace the role of agents of social change towards promoting equal opportunities, social justice and human dignity, eliminating prejudices and unequal treatment, increasing self-esteem, and affirming economic independence, (...) Read more

  • Ireland - ‘Turn Off the Red Light’ campaign launches exhibition

    Ireland - ‘Turn Off the Red Light' campaign launches exhibition

    [Brussels, 08 July 2011] The Immigrant Council of Ireland, as part of the national campaign ‘Turn Off the Red Light’, on 7 July launched a photographic exhibition by Dana Popa, entitled ’Not Natasha’, which traces the tragically fractured and damaged lives or young girls and women caught up in human trafficking for prostitution within Europe.
    Turn Off The Red Light is a campaign to end prostitution and sex trafficking in Ireland. It is being run by a new alliance of civil society (...) Read more

  • Italy - National Platform “30 years CEDAW: work in progress” publishes shadow report

    Italy - National Platform “30 years CEDAW: work in progress” publishes shadow report

    [Brussels, 06 July 2011] The Italian Platform “30 years CEDAW: work in progress”, of which the Italian Coordination of the EWL has is a member, has published a shadow report to the official governmental report submitted on the 2009 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, signed in 1979. The introduction to the report is below.
    CSO engagement in promoting the CEDAW Convention in Italy. The role of the Platform “30 years CEDAW: work in (...) Read more

  • EWL participates in gender awareness training of Middle Eastern/North African journalists

    EWL participates in gender awareness training of Middle Eastern/North African journalists

    [Brussels, 05 July 2011] On Wednesday 29 June, EWL Communications & Media Officer, Leanda Barrington-Leach, participated in a Euromed training seminar on gender and the media in the Mediterranean region. Welcoming 25 journalists from major media outlets in the MENA region as well as a handful of delegates from these countries, the workshops held over three days addressed the image of women in written, online and audio-visual press.
    French, Italian and Palestinian experts ran the (...) Read more

  • EWL endorses statement to enhance the role of women in agriculture and rural development

    EWL endorses statement to enhance the role of women in agriculture and rural development

    [Brussels, 01 July 2011] The European Women’s Lobby supports the statement of the Civil Society Organisations on Women in Agriculture to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and urges FAO member governments to support women in agriculture and rural development.
    On Behalf of Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN), Action Aid International, Oxfam International, the Huairou Commission, Pesticide Action Network Asia and the (...) Read more

  • Campaign pages of EWL website host wealth of info and tools on prostitution, and how to work towards ending it

    Campaign pages of EWL website host wealth of info and tools on prostitution, and how to work towards ending it

    [Brussels, 01 July 2011] On the occasion of the launch of its campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, the EWL has developed dedicated webpages which convey of wealth of information on the issue of prostitution and EWL’s position.
    The Webpages of EWL campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ are organised around four main sections: Under ’Campaign News’, you will get the latest information about the campaign activities. The section ’About the campaign’ will give you (...) Read more

  • Hungary - EWL members partner ‘Vodafone for women’s security’ programme

    Hungary - EWL members partner ‘Vodafone for women's security' programme

    [Brussels, 01 July 2011] Vodafone Hungary launches its ‘Vodafone for women’s security’ programme, in which Hungarian Women’s Lobby member NANE Women’s Rights Association is a partner. The programme’s press release can be read in English here and in Hungarian here.
    Vodafone Hungary introduced its ‘Vodafone for women’s security’ programme during a conference dedicated to mobile technology use in the service of more effective police intervention in cases of domestic violence. The programme uses a new (...) Read more

  • Cyprus - EWL members express concern at US State Department’s placement of Cyprus on Trafficking ‘Watch List’

    Cyprus - EWL members express concern at US State Department's placement of Cyprus on Trafficking ‘Watch List'

    [Nicosia, 01 July 2011] The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, member of the Cyprus Women’s Lobby, the EWL’s national coordination in this country, expresses its deep concern over the placement of Cyprus in the “Tier 2 Watch List”, according to the annual report of the US State Department Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. That is, Cyprus has been placed in the third out of four categories (Tier 3 being the worst) since the Government does not fully comply with the (...) Read more



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