EWL 2015 Year of Action on Beijing+20

  • EWL Beijing+20 in March - The equality house: a sustainable and strong European Union architecture for women’s rights and gender equality

    EWL Beijing+20 in March - The equality house: a sustainable and strong European Union architecture for women's rights and gender equality

    [Brussels, 2 March 2015] Did you know that only five Member States have a separate designated body for the promotion of equal treatment of women and men? That in 2012, only two Member States used gender mainstreaming widely for drafting laws, policy programmes, actions plans and projects?
    In March, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign. Read and share EWL’s factsheet about Institutional (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in February – Women in Power and Decision-Making : We demand parity at all levels

    EWL Beijing+20 in February – Women in Power and Decision-Making : We demand parity at all levels

    [Brussels, 2 February 2015] Did you know that only 27% of national parliamentarians in the EU are women? That only one in five board members in Europe’s largest publicly listed companies is a woman? That only 20% of top level academics are women and only one out of ten universities in the European Union has a female rector?
    In February, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women in Power and Decision-Making, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign. Read and share EWL’s factsheet about Women (...) Read more

  • EWL Beijing+20 in January - Women’s economic independence: the foundation of all rights

    EWL Beijing+20 in January - Women's economic independence: the foundation of all rights

    [Brussels, 5 January 2014] Did you know that at the current pace of progress, it will take 70 years to close the gender pay gap and 40 years to see equal share of housework in Europe? That women are 4 times more likely than men to work part-time? And that women bear a disproportionate share of tax burdens?
    In January, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) focuses on Women and the Economy, as part of its Beijing+20 campaign. Read and share EWL’s factsheet about Women and the Economy, which is part (...) Read more



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