Press releases

19 November: Join the Human ring against poverty around the European Parliament


The Human Ring around the European Parliament comes at a time when austerity measures put in place by many European governments mean severe cuts in social spending affecting those who are most at risk and which will only worsen an already appalling situation. With 85 million people[1] – around 17% of the EU population – living below the poverty threshold in 2008, the 2010 Coalition of Social NGOs calls for a credible response to the crisis and action on 8 key points:

  • accessible services for all
  • an end to homelessness
  • participation in policy making for all
  • fundamental rights at the heart of the European policies
  • equality between men and women and an end to all discrimination
  • redistribution of wealth to create more equal societies
  • adequate income and high levels of social protection
  • decent work to create a sustainable way out of poverty


Members of the European Parliament, Commission, Committee of the Regions, EESC, European and Belgian NGOs, schools, CNCD (Belgian NGO platform), social activists, trade-unions amongst others will take part.


Friday 19 November 12.15-14.00
European Parliament, Brussels (see flyer for locations)


INTERVIEWS: click here to access the database of spokespeople you can interview contact details!

Interviews can be done at the PRESS POINT at the blue-ribbon flag on the Esplanade of the European Parliament

12:15 – Participants gather at meeting points of the Ring
12:30 - from all 5 meeting points, the Ring joins up
13:00 – All participants go to the European Parliament’s Esplanade (Place du Luxembourg)

  • Speeches at the Esplanade in front of European Parliament will include
  • Persons experiencing poverty (names TBC)
  • Isabelle Durant, MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament
  • Philippe Courard, Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and Combating Poverty
  • Fintan Farrell, on behalf of the 2010 Coalition of Social NGOs
  • European Commissioner (TBC)

Spokespeople from social NGOs will also be available for interviews.
Where? European Parliament, Brussels

Organization of the Ring, programme and Flyer in EN, FR, NL, DE here

For further information, contact:
Nellie Epinat, EAPN’s Communication & Press Officer
Mobile: +32 (0)498 44 13 66 or
tel. +32 2 226 58 50 - fax. +32 2 226 58 69

Abigail Goundry
SOLIDAR Communications Officer
+32 (0)472 607 449

Leanda Barrington-Leach
European Women’s Lobby Communications Officer
+32 (0)488 41 94 21


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