EWL News

"Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!” – 25 November-10 December 2013

[Brussels, 11.09.2013] A fruitful preparatory meeting was held in Brussels with representative of the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Women´s Lobby (EWL) to prepare the joint project of actions to mobilise for the Istanbul Convention and based on the EWL Barometer on rape. Four Experts from the EWL Observatory on violence against women from France, Ireland, Portugal and Serbia attended the meeting, adding their expertise and knowledge.

“Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!” will be the common slogan for all the public events that will be organised in 33 European countries during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence.

The aim of these events is to raise awareness among the decision makers of the Istanbul Convention and its provisions on rape and sexual violence.

Not all the EU countries have signed the Convention, and from those who have signed only few have ratified. However, an adequate implementation of the Istanbul Convention will serve to the end of this brutal form of violence against women and to make a change towards effective gender equality.

The EWL is now working to prepare an “Action Kit” to provide useful hints and practical information for the organization of the events at national level.

We will keep you posted about development of this project! Stay tuned for updates!


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