
All the information regarding the event in Madrid on the 19 of December!

In Spain, CELEM organised a round table in Madrid on the 19th December at the premises of the Offices of the European Commission. Representatives from the academia, NGO sector and media analysed the positive aspects that the ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention could bring to effectively address sexual violence.

Julia Sevilla, professor of the University of Valencia and president of the Valencian Coordination for CELEM, informed that education is a fundamental measure to prevent violence against women. Ana Pelaez, member of the UN Committee on Rights of people with disabilities and member of the EWL board, informed that the phenomenon of violence against women with disabilities is still invisible and not well addressed. Manuel Alcaide, police inspector of the sexual crimes unit of Madrid, explained the areas that need to be improved to better combat rape and protect its victims. Ana de Miguel, Professor of the University of Rey Juan Carlos, made a presentation on the topic of the socialization of women and the rape culture: the trivialization of rape impedes its eradication.

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During the second panel, Soledad Maruaga, president of the Association Women to Health, talked about the second victimisation of women victims of rape at the social and health services, the penal process, etc. She also mentioned the phenomenon of incest as a very taboo and invisible form of sexual abuse. Barbara Tardon, representative of Fundacion Aspacia and the Campaign "Violadas y Expulsadas" informed on the high vulnerability of undocumented migrant women. Finally, Nuria Varela, journalist and feminist, presented the Istanbul Convention

The documentary “Pourquoi?” by Ouka Leele was screened on the phenomenon of sexual violence in Democratic Republic of Congo. Caddy Adzuba explained her story as survivor.

To close the event, Marta Torres, lawyer and consultant on human rights and gender equality, presented the conclusions of the event highlighting that the objectification and sexualization of women’s body is against human and women’s rights.

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