EWL News

Be ready for the European Week of Action for Girls!

[Brussels, 29 September 2017] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is going to be super active during the annual European Week of Action for Girls and invite you to join us! We will be bringing an inspirational delegation of five young women from the youth sections of our European members who will be participating and speaking at the centerpiece of the week: the Girls Summit on October 11th.

The European Week of Action for Girls is an annual week-long event which aims to ensure that girls’ empowerment is promoted and their rights are protected and fulfilled in the EU’s external action, through adequate policies, funding and programs. Find out here about all the young women and girls invited to Brussels by the EWAG partners.

As one of the highlights of the week, the Girls Summit will coincide with the International Day of the Girl Child and the focus will be on leadership (Inspire!), education, (Succeed!) and protection from violence (Thrive!). This first ever Girls Summit will demonstrate what girls can do through personal testimonies and collaborative discussion. It will chart a way forward for policy-makers in Brussels and elsewhere to help them to achieve their ambitions, wherever they live. To register to the Summit, click here.

Another main highlight includes a screening of “Girl Unbound” by Director Erin Heidenreich, a documentary about champion athlete Maria Toorpakai Wazir. Find out more and register here. Together with Save the Children and the Digital Leadership Institute, the EWL also organises a Job for Girls workshop on 11 October (see visual below).

As part of the week, the European Women’s Lobby is organising an online conference and tweetchat on online violence against women and girls, on October 13th. This action is part of the #HetNetHerRights project, which aims to analyse the current state of online violence against women and girls in Europe and come up with innovative solutions and policy recommendations to fight online male violence and create a safer, more inclusive web for all women and girls. The online conference and the tweetchat will bring together the main actors on the issue of online violence against women and girls in Europe: researchers and activists, decision-makers and youth, survivors and women’s organisations. Join us to #SayNoToOnlineViolence against women and girls in Europe!

Save the Date cyberVAWG online conference
Invitation Jobs for girls 11Oct


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