EWL News

Belgian women’s rights organisations present their 10 priorities for the elections

[Brussels, 15 May 2014] 10 days before the elections in Belgium, which will take place not only on European but also on regional and federal level, 6 feminist umbrella organisations; the European Women’s Lobby, Conseil des Femmes
Francophones de Belgique
, Vrouwenraad, the Brussels section of the Marche Mondiale des Femmes, les Femmes Prevoyantes Socialistes, and the feminist reflection group Vrouwen Overleg Komitee presented their
10 common demands.

The organisations gathered at Amazone, resource Centre for Equality between Women and Men in Brussels, to seize the opportunity to collectively reemphasize the importance of equal opportunities and women’s rights. By stressing these priorities, the organisations aim to challenge current policies and establish the integration of gender in the incoming legislature.

The representatives of the Belgian women’s associations present were Viviane Teitelbaum (EWL and CFFB), Magda de Meyer (Vrouwenraad), Françoise Claude(FPS), Sofie De Graeve (VOK) and Marcela de la Peña Valdivia (MMF).

EWL President Viviane Teitelbaum stressed in particular the necessity of the nomination of a European Coordinator for women’s rights and gender equality to ensure the implementation of the European strategy for gender equality and the application of gender mainstreaming in
European Union policies. This is also one of the demands of the EWL’s Manifesto for the European elections.

Furthermore Viviane Teitelbaum expressed the wish that these 10 priorities will be used by elected politicians in their policies and will serve as a boost for true gender equality in Belgium and in Europe.

Find the 10 priorities for the elections here


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