European & International News

Call for statements 52nd Session of the UN Commission for Social Development (Deadline 15 November)

The 52nd Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) will meet at United Nations Headquarters in New York under the priority theme "Promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all". This year will be devoted to the policy segment of the cycle.

Information for NGOs submitting written statements for the 52nd Session of the Commission for Social Development.

Only NGOs in General and Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC can submit written statements to the 52nd Session of the Commission for Social Development to be held from 11 to 21 February 2014 at UN Headquarters in New York.

The priority theme of the Session is: "Promoting empowerment of people in achieving poverty eradication, social integration and full employment and decent work for all" that will focus on the policy segment of the cycle, this year.

Instructions for submitting written statements:

Deadline for submission: 15 November 2013

1. Statements should adhere to the topic of the priority theme of the Session;

2. Statements must be submitted in one of the six official UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish;

3. Statements should be submitted electronically in Word Format via email to with the Subject: "CSocD 2014 - NGO Written Statement".

4. Statements submitted by an organization in general consultative status should not exceed 2,000 words;

5. Statements submitted by an organization in special consultative status should not exceed 1,500 words;

6. Deadline for submission: 15 November 2013;

7. The UN Secretariat will confirm receipt of statements received;

8. Statements will be processed by the UN Secretariat and published as formal documents that will be posted on the Session’s webpage;

9. Incomprehensible and repetitive text will be edited;

10. Information on processed documents will appear in the UN Daily Journal in the days prior to the opening of the Session.

More info here.


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