EWL News

Campaign pages of EWL website host wealth of info and tools on prostitution, and how to work towards ending it

[Brussels, 01 July 2011] On the occasion of the launch of its campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’, the EWL has developed dedicated webpages which convey of wealth of information on the issue of prostitution and EWL’s position.

The Webpages of EWL campaign ’Together for a Europe free from prostitution’ are organised around four main sections:

  • Under ’Campaign News’, you will get the latest information about the campaign activities.
  • The section ’About the campaign’ will give you all details about EWL action: EWL abolitionist principles and political demands, EWL material, EWL members and partners involved, supportive MEPs...
  • The section ’About prostitution’ comprises all the essential information to understand the system of prostitution: from survivors’ testimonies to supporting persons in prostitution, but also information about working with men and the EU context. Please also visit the section Resources to chose the type of material you would want to use to gain knowledge on the issue (video clips, films, publications, blogs, etc.).
  • The section ’Take action’ offers a concrete opportunity to stand up and join the abolitionist movement. Already more than 250 people took the EWL pledge!

If you would like to see your material on our pages, please send a message to pape@womenlobby.org.

If you are an organisation and want to be a partner of the EWL campaign, please contact us too!


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