EWL News

CoE Convention will focus on ALL forms of violence against women

Update on the CAHVIO and the EWL Campaign ’Towards a Strong Council of Europe Convention on All Forms of Male Violence against Women’

EWL update on CAHVIO June 2010 print

[Brussels, 01 July 2010] The CAHVIO (Ad hoc Committee on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence) met in Strasbourg from 29 June-2 July to discuss the second draft of its Convention on Violence against Women. The difficulties to reach a consensus on the scope of the convention finally were overcome on the last day of the meeting with an agreement on a proposal by the Belgian delegation, in its capacity as presidency of the EU as of 1 July 2010, supported by all EU delegations. The convention will therefore clearly focus on all forms of violence against women, including domestic violence and encourages the countries to apply this Convention to all victims of domestic violence. The EWL welcome this move and hope it will help to achieve a widely agreed convention, aiming at eradicating male violence against women and effectively protecting women. As the final text of the convention should be adopted by CAHVIO before the end of 2010, 2 meetings will be organised this year, the next one being on 27– 30 September. The EWL is participating to the CAHVIO meeting as an observer and is closely monitoring the process.


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