EWL News

Conclusions of #Poverty2020 side event

[Brussels, 20 November 2014] In the framework of the European Platform Against Poverty Convention 2014, SOLIDAR, EAPN, EWL, AGE Platform Europe and the European Network of Migrant Women organised an event aiming to identifying aspects and drivers of poverty, related to how to ensure that men and women in different stages of the life cycle can achieve an adequate income through decent jobs, income support and access to social protection.

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The initial panel, by the organisers themselves highlighted adequate income and wages from a perspective of youth, ethnic/migration background, gender and age - followed by a presentation of three key messages (see bellow) which was discussed by a panel of decision makers.

Invited to reflect on the key messages, MEP Terry Reinke (The Greens) highlighted the importance for the European Parliament to work on a directive on minimum income and framework on minimum wage. She also expresses her concerns that the 300bn investment package announced by Junker, must back social and sustainable Europe not just business. On the same issue, Nick Costello (European Commission, DG EMPL) stressed that it is in the EC plans for 2015 to address the issue of guaranteeing adequate income support thorugh the life cycle and recommend that investment should not only be made on fiscal infrastructures but also on social infrastructure. Līga Andersone (EU Enlargement Development Counsellor from the Latvian permanent representation) recommended to change approach to EU migration policies and concentrate on the added value of migration on social and economic aspects.

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For more pictures from the side event, see here.

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