100 Day Countdown around Europe

Cyprus Women’s Lobby launches its campaign ahead of the European elections

[Nicosia, Cyprus, 22 April 2019, Press Release by Cyprus Women’s Lobby]

Cyprus Women’s Lobby on Monday 22nd of April, 2019, launched its campaign for EU Elections 2019, with the title “FOR PARITY DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE”.

In a press conference held in the EU House in Nicosia, Cyprus, and in cooperation with the European Parliament Representation in Cyprus, we presented to the press our campaign.
The relevance of parity democracy was highlighted by the Cyprus Women’s Lobby in view of the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament, which called on the women of Cyprus to send a strong message with their vote to secure their full and active participation in decision-making processes.

After the 2014 elections, only 37% of the MEPs were women and this figure has since dropped even further. In addition, only 2 of the 15 Presidents of the European Parliament were women, while only nine of the 28 European Commissioners are women. At this rate, we will not see equality within our lifetimes or in the lifetimes of the next generation. This absence is a serious democratic deficit and a cause for concern.

In the case of Cyprus, it is unfortunately in the penultimate position regarding the participation of women in the European Parliament with only 17.5%. In order to improve this worrying percentage, the women of Cyprus have to mobilize by using their vote.
At a press conference at the office of the European Parliament in Cyprus, CWL President Stella Kammitsi said that the equal participation of women in politics as we approach the May European elections is not only a need for active participation but also includes the direction of the political policies on matters of gender equality. "Only through parity democracy can the objectives of women’s participation in decision-making centres, economic empowerment and the elimination of discrimination and violence against women be achieved," said Kammitsi, noting that the CWL supports participation in the upcoming European elections - "thistimeimvoting.eu" - because it considers that the European Parliament promotes decisions and processes, and supports the guarantee of gender equality.

Therefore, by promoting the awareness-raising campaign of the European Women’s Lobby, as expressed in the Manifesto for the European Elections, the Cyprus Women’s Lobby invites the women of Cyprus to vote:

1. For a Europe that will implement equality in political decision-making
2. For a Europe that will ensure the economic independence of women
3. For a Europe that will eliminate violence against women
4. For a Europe that will ensure peace, security, and dignity for all women and girls
5. For a Europe that channel resources for the human rights of women

Engage in Cyprus Women’s Lobby campaign through
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WomenLobbyCY/
Tweeter: @CYWomenLobby

For more info, please check out the Facebook event here.

The campaign will be through online messages (facebook and tweets) with messages regarding the above 5 issues that were identified and are on the EWL Manifesto for the EU Elections 2019.


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