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EWL French member La Clef in solidarity with women in Iran & Saudi Arabia

[Paris, 10 April 2017, news from EWL French member] The city of Paris hopes to obtain the organisation of the 2024 Olympic Games and to focus its candidacy on respect and equality. 50 mayors of large cities in the world are already supporting the idea saying « Paris has the strengths and the will to give a new lease of life to the Olympic values”. Among these values inscribed in the Olympic Charter and which we share, is the principle of equality between men and women and the fundamental right of every person to practice sports.

Two countries, however, Saudi Arabia and Iran, aside from the strict sexual apartheid they impose to the detriment of women, restrict their right to exercise sports and prohibit even their access to stadiums, despite the criticisms of international sport authorities and the protests of sportsmen and women. The French Coordination for the European Women’s Lobby and the League for International Women’s rights organise therefore protests in Paris.

On April 13 and 14 , facebook event here:, the campaign will be launched near the Tour Eiffel.

On May 15 near the headquarters of the Olympic Committee for the French candidacy, the day of the arrival of the Internatioal Olympic Committee selection commission.

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Plus d’information en français ici.

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