EWL News

EWL Gender Budgeting Toolkit now translated into eight new languages

Gender budgeting is a method to address gender inequalities. It recognises that budgets impact women’s and men’s lives differently, and that women face specific obstacles resulting from the historical, traditional and stereotypical distribution of power and labour. Not taking these differences into account when planning public budgets often inadvertently perpetuates gender inequalities.

The European Women’s Lobby and its members have been working to demystify gender budgeting concepts through our Channelling Resources into Women’s Rights project, which resulted in the launch of EWL’s gender budgeting website and the Gender Budgeting Toolkit.

These tools aim to provide knowledge, capacity and resources both to women’s civil society but also to other stakeholders who need support in implementing gender equal budgets. Our Toolkit is now available in nine languages to make gender budgeting even more accessible and applicable to different national contexts. You can find the translated toolkits below and explore genderbudgeting.eu for more information on this topic.


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