EWL News

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  • The EWL at the EP in Strasbourg - Third Leadership and Capacity Building Session of the European Political Mentoring Programme

    The EWL at the EP in Strasbourg - Third Leadership and Capacity Building Session of the European Political Mentoring Programme

    [Brussels, 13 December 2013] The Mentees of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) European Political Mentoring Programme (EPMN) met together and with their respective Mentors for three days this week in Strasbourg.
    During the third leadership and capacity building session, the Mentees also had the opportunity to attend the plenary session at the European Parliament and to benefit from a one to one coaching with Malene Rix, an Executive Advisor in Negotiation, Facilitation & Leadership. The (...) Read more

  • The EWL at the EP in Strasbourg - MEPs join Women’s NGOs and the Council of Europe in their call for the Istanbul Convention as a tool to promote Women’s Rights and to eradicate Sexual Violence and Rape

    The EWL at the EP in Strasbourg - MEPs join Women's NGOs and the Council of Europe in their call for the Istanbul Convention as a tool to promote Women's Rights and to eradicate Sexual Violence and Rape

    [Strasbourg, 10 December 2013] On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day (10 December), the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) organised a round-table “Promote rights! Act against rape!”, co-hosted by MEPs Mikael Gustafsson and Antonyia Parvanova. The event was part of the Joint project with the Council of Europe “Act against Rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!”, closing the 16 Days of Activism against violence against women (25 November – 10 December). During this period, EWL members and (...) Read more

  • European Parliament confirms its stance on Sexual and Reproductive Rights on Human Rights Day - Joint NGO Statement

    European Parliament confirms its stance on Sexual and Reproductive Rights on Human Rights Day - Joint NGO Statement

    [Joint statement of 11 civil society organisations, Brussels, 11 December 2013] Differences on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) between the respective political groups of the European Parliament (EP) proved irreconcilable on Human Rights Day yesterday during the vote on the landmark SRHR Report. The report, authored by Portuguese MEP Edite Estrela of the Socialists and Democrats Group, offered MEPs an opportunity to mark the occasion by advancing the EP’s supportive position (...) Read more

  • The EWL participates to European workshop on "Developing more effective prostitution policies in Europe "

    The EWL participates to European workshop on "Developing more effective prostitution policies in Europe "

    [Brussels, 11 December 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) has been invited to a workshop organised by the political group GUE/NGL on 17 December in the European Parliament (EP), on "Developing more effective prostitution policies in Europe". The aim of the workshop is to feed into the current discussion in the EP Women’s Rights Committee in light of the adoption of the own-initiative report "Prostitution, sexual exploitation and their impact on gender equality".
    The EWL is pleased to (...) Read more

  • Pictures Sainte Nicolette 2013

    Pictures Sainte Nicolette 2013

    Many thanks to all attendees of Sainte Nicolette for the great third edition of this yearly gathering, and for their support for the European Women’s Lobby cause. We look forward to next year!
    Find the pictures on our flickr-page Read more

  • EWL-CoE Joint Action - Act Against Rape, Use the Istanbul Convention 2013 latest events

    EWL-CoE Joint Action - Act Against Rape, Use the Istanbul Convention 2013 latest events

    [Brussels, 9 December 2013] In the framework of the European Women’s Lobby - Council of Europe joint project : "Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!", different events have taken place: Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Macedonia, Romania, Italy, UK, Turkey and Iceland.
    The aim of this project is to mobilise Europe against rape and to promote the Istanbul Convention. Everywhere in Europe we are urgently demanding justice and support for victims of rape. The Istanbul (...) Read more

  • The EWL calls for support for the amended Estrela Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

    The EWL calls for support for the amended Estrela Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)

    [Brussels, 6 December 2013] Next Tuesday, the European Parliament will vote on an important report for sexual and reproductive health and rights. Civil society and human rights organisations call on you to support the amended Estrela Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in this plenary vote. SRHR are an integral part of the human rights that all EU Member States have committed to respect, protect and fulfill.
    Every person in Europe has the right to make their own (...) Read more

  • Sweden: Swedish Women’s Lobby celebrates French vote on prostitution with French ambassador!

    Sweden: Swedish Women's Lobby celebrates French vote on prostitution with French ambassador!

    [Stockholm, 6 December 2013] On 6 December, the Swedish Women’s Lobby celebrated the vote of the French Parliament on prostitution at the French embassy in Stockholm, with Ambassador Jean-Pierre Lacroix.
    "Yesterday my mailbox was filled with good wishes from all over the world! We, the women’s movement, congratulates France and ourselves for the crucial step that France has taken", said Gertrud Åström, President of the Swedish Women’s Lobby.
    Sveriges Kvinnolobby gratulerar Frankrikes (...) Read more

  • France is paving the way towards a progressive Europe free from prostitution, says European Women’s Lobby

    France is paving the way towards a progressive Europe free from prostitution, says European Women's Lobby

    [Brussels, 5 December 2013] The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) warmly welcomes the vote of the French Parliament yesterday, which adopted a law proposal aiming at abolishing the system of prostitution. After two years of debate, French parliamentarians decided to support a new legislation aiming at supporting prostituted persons and considering prostitution as an obstacle to gender equality and a violation of human rights and dignity.
    The law will address all actors involved in the system of (...) Read more



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