EWL News

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  • Prominent supporters of Joint Declaration of 50/50 campaign at Women in Parliaments Brussels Summit

    Prominent supporters of Joint Declaration of 50/50 campaign at Women in Parliaments Brussels Summit

    [Brussels, 6 December 2014] As the European elections of May 2014 are approaching, the EWL is receiving more and more prominent supporters to achieve parity in all EU institutions.
    The EWL is delighted to gain so much support from influential and inspiring personalities for its work to promote equality between women and men for a more democratic, just and fair Europe.
    By signing the Joint Declaration, decision-makers, individuals, organisations and literally everyone can join our efforts (...) Read more

  • Turkey - Discussions on Closing Parliamentary Women-Men Equal Opportunities Commission in Turkey

    Turkey - Discussions on Closing Parliamentary Women-Men Equal Opportunities Commission in Turkey

    [Ankara, 4 december 2013] The last couple of days have been very chaotic for the agenda of the Turkish women’s movement as there are rumours about closing the Parliamentary Women-Men Equal Opportunities Commission in Turkey.
    Government representatives are denying and refusing these claims. But women’s organisations are alert and very concerned. Up to now, the women organisation are aksing the related ministers to give a formal explanation on the issue.
    We will observe the situation closely (...) Read more

  • Ireland: Ruhama welcomes landmark move by France to criminalise the sex buyer and calls on the Irish government to follow suit

    Ireland: Ruhama welcomes landmark move by France to criminalise the sex buyer and calls on the Irish government to follow suit

    [Press release of Ruhama, Ireland, 4 December 2013] Ruhama strongly welcomes today’s landmark vote by the French National Assembly to enact an anti-sex trade bill which criminalises those who buy sex, but removes the laws that make soliciting for sex an offence.
    Sarah Benson, CEO, Ruhama, said; “As a frontline service working directly with those affected by prostitution in Ireland, this measure will have far reaching impacts. This signal from a major European country with similar legislation (...) Read more

  • Sainte Nicolette 2013, a fantastic evening!

    Sainte Nicolette 2013, a fantastic evening!

    Thank you very much to all who were celebrating Ste Nicolette with us yesterday! It was a fantastic evening and thanks to all of you - our partners, funders, supporters and friends who are motivating us on a daily basis - we push forward for a more gender equal and fair Europe.
    Thanks a lot for the wonderful music by Mary-Ann Scot and Guy Rens and Toy Division – you made the evening such an enjoyable one!
    Have an eye on our newsletter and website, we will post some pictures online (...) Read more

  • EWL delegation participates in 2013 Annual Summit of the "Women in Parliaments Global Forum" (WIP) in Brussels

    EWL delegation participates in 2013 Annual Summit of the "Women in Parliaments Global Forum" (WIP) in Brussels

    [Brussels, 29 November 2013] The last three days, Policy Officer Karima Zahi and Fundraising Coordinator and Policy Officer, Serap Altinisik, took part in the summit on “Women in Parliaments Global Forum” in the European Parliament.
    The high level conference, bringing together female politicians and activists, was held in order to celebrate the introduction of women’s right to vote in New Zealand 120 years ago. The participants came together to discuss issues like the current crisis and its (...) Read more

  • European Women’s Lobby launches video - Act against rape! - on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    European Women's Lobby launches video - Act against rape! - on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    [Brussels, 28 November 2013] To mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, the European Women’s Lobby launched on the 25th November a video-clip to speak out and draw attention to the fact that rape needs to be seriously addressed by the authorities in terms of access to justice, prevention and support to victims. As the video illustrates, the Istanbul Convention is a tool for change!
    Please, share this video in your social networks! #actagainstrape2013 (...) Read more

  • Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Prominent Supporter of the 50/50 Campaign

    Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, Prominent Supporter of the 50/50 Campaign

    The EWL is very honoured to announce the support of Mr. Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, for the EWL’s 50/50 campaign.
    Mr. Henri Malosse words of support:
    It is high time that gender equality becomes a reality in the European institutions! Now and not in 50 years!
    More info on the 50/50 campaign Read more

  • EWL celebrates la Ste Nicolette 2013 on December 5, 18h30 in Brussels

    EWL celebrates la Ste Nicolette 2013 on December 5, 18h30 in Brussels

    [Brussels, 21 November 2013] Reminder: the EWL Secretariat is delighted to invite you to the third edition of its yearly ‘Sainte Nicolette’ party, a friendly gathering to toast to the end of another busy year. Join us on December 5 from 18h30 in L’Archiduc - Rue Dansaert 6 - 1000 Brussels. METRO Bourse.
    Live music: Pop/Jazz Swing Mary-Ann Struthers and Guy Rens, followed by ‘Toy Divison’
    Lovely Christmas gifts
    Tombola with great prices
    Entrance donation ‘to an excellent cause’ 5€ - rsvp to (...) Read more

  • Czech Republic: women’s organisations re-launch discussion on prostitution and trafficking in women

    Czech Republic: women's organisations re-launch discussion on prostitution and trafficking in women

    [Prague, 21 November 2013] On 21 November 2013, several representatives of Czech women’s organisations met in Prague to discuss the issue of prostitution and trafficking in women. Co-organised by the European Women’s Lobby and the Czech Women’s Lobby, this training session aimed at bringing in-depth information to participants in order to support their analysis of the phenomenon of prostitution, in particular in relation with the shared objectives of gender equality and women’s empowerment. (...) Read more

  • EWL welcomes the EU move towards making space for more women on supervisory boards

    EWL welcomes the EU move towards making space for more women on supervisory boards

    [Brussels, 20 November 2013] The news about the adoption of quotas legislation during the current coalition negotiations in Germany on 18.11.2013 to reach 30% women on non-executive boards by 2016 was decided in Germany two days ago, the European Parliament (EP) adopted on 20/11/2013 the draft European directive on “improving the gender balance among non-executive directors of companies listed on stock exchanges and related measures”.
    The resolution was adopted by 459 votes in favour to 148 (...) Read more



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