EWL celebrates la Ste Nicolette 2013 on December 5, 18h30 in Brussels
[Brussels, 21 November 2013] Reminder: the EWL Secretariat is delighted to invite you to the third edition of its yearly ‘Sainte Nicolette’ party, a friendly gathering to toast to the end of another busy year. Join us on December 5 from 18h30 in L’Archiduc - Rue Dansaert 6 - 1000 Brussels. METRO Bourse.
Live music: Pop/Jazz Swing Mary-Ann Struthers and Guy Rens, followed by ‘Toy Divison’
Lovely Christmas gifts
Tombola with great prices
Entrance donation ‘to an excellent cause’ 5€ - rsvp to horst@womenlobby.org before 02.12