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Request of the Women’s Network of Croatia to ministers of foreign affairs of the EU: open the gates for women from Afghanistan

Find the full statement of the EWL member Women’s Network of Croatia here.

[Zagreb, 17 August 2021] Women’s Network of Croatia joins expressions of concern due to the recent developments and Taliban’s seize of power in Afghanistan. According to the reports of women’s organisations, activists and the media, women and girls in Afghanistan are targets and the first victims of Taliban’s violence and they no longer have possibility to safely leave the country.

We join the appeal of women of the world, including numerous members of the European Women’s Lobby who are asking the states to open their borders for safe passage to international flights and convoys and to provide safe shelter to anyone who requests it.

Josep Borell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy announced the extraordinary meeting of EU foreign ministers for the afternoon of August 17th to discuss the situation in Afghanistan.

On this occasion, the Women’s Network of Croatia, as a member of the European Women’s Lobby, demands from the High Representative Josep Borell to put on the agenda of the meeting questions of safety, protection of human rights and opening of the humanitarian corridors for everyone who wants to leave Afghanistan, especially women.

We urge the Government of the Republic of Croatia and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Goran Grlić Radman to personally ensure that the safety of women is a part of the agenda at this meeting.

Women’s Network of Croatia expresses solidarity with women and girls of Afghanistan. Women should not be used as weapons in wars. Women have the right to their identities, education and employment and a right to life free of violence. Women in Afghanistan are victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The world must not look away.

For Women’s Network of Croatia
Mirjana Kučer
Sanja Juras

Zahtjev Ženske mreže Hrvatske uoči sastanka ministara vanjskih poslova Europske unije: otvorite vrata za žene Afganistana

Ženska mreža Hrvatske pridružuje se izjavama zabrinutosti zbog razvoja događaja i preuzimanja vlasti od strane Talibana u Afganistanu. Prema izvještajima ženskih nevladinih organizacija, aktivistkinja i medija, žene i djevojčice u Afganistanu su meta i prve žrtve talibanskog nasilja te nemaju više mogućnost sigurnog napuštanja zemlje.

Pridružujemo se apelu žena svijeta, uključujući brojne članice Europskog ženskog lobija koje traže države da otvore granice za siguran prolaz letovima i konvojima i pruže utočište svima koje to zatraže.
Josep Borell, Visoki predstavnik EU za Zajedničku vanjsku i sigurnosnu politiku najavio je održavanje izvanrednog sastanka ministara vanjskih poslova EU za 17. kolovoza u poslijepodnevnim satima vezano za situaciju u Afganistanu.

Tim povodom, Ženska mreža Hrvatske, kao članica Europskog ženskog lobija European Women’s Lobby traži od Visokog predstavnika Josepa Borella da uvrsti na dnevni red pitanje sigurnosti, zaštite prava i uspostave humanitarnih koridora za sve koji žele napustiti Afganistan, osobito za žene.
Pozivamo Vlada Republike Hrvatske te Ministra vanjskih i europskih poslova Gordana Grlića Radmana Ministarstvo vanjskih i europskih poslova da se osobno založi da pitanje sigurnosti žena bude dio agende na ovom sastanku.

Ženska mreža Hrvatske izražava solidarnost sa ženama i djevojčicama Afganistana. Žene trebaju prestati biti korištene kao oružje u ratovima. Žene imaju pravo na svoj identitet, pravo na obrazovanje i zaposlenje i pravo na život bez nasilja. Žene u Afganistanu trpe ratne zločine i zločine protiv čovječnosti.

Svijet ne smije skrenuti pogled.

Za Žensku mrežu Hrvatske
Mirjana Kučer
Sanja Juras


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