European & International News

EWL welcomes Council of Europe Multiannual Gender Equality Strategy

[Brussels, 13 November] The European Women’s Lobby welcomes news from the Gender Equality Commission of the Council of Europe this week. The Committee of Ministers adopted the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy for the years 2014-2017. This marks the beginning of a new period of building on the groundwork that has already been laid, and continuing to advance the gender equality agenda in Europe!

According to our correspondent, the Strategy emanates from an unprecedented mobilisation of all the structures of the Council of Europe Transversal Gender Equality Programme: the Gender Equality Commission, National Focal Points, Gender Equality Rapporteurs, the Thematic Co-ordinator of the Committee of Ministers, the Intersecretariat Gender Mainstreaming Team, and last but not least the Secretariat team supporting the Transversal Programme.

The overall goal of the Strategy is to achieve the advancement and empowering of women, and the effective realisation of gender equality in Council of Europe member states notably through the achievement of its five strategic objectives:

- Combating gender stereotypes and sexism;
- Preventing and combating violence against women;
- Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice;
- Achieving balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making;
- Achieving Gender Mainstreaming in all policies and measures.

The Strategy presupposes that all Council of Europe decision-making, advisory and monitoring bodies should support and actively contribute to its implementation. Partnership with other regional and international organisations will be key to ensure we build on the strengths and added value of each organisation.

The EWL will engage with the Gender Equality Commission to discuss the implementation and promotion of the strategy, for which annual progress reports will be relayed to the Committee of Ministers.

The EWL is also promoting the signature, ratification and implementation of the Istanbul Convention in all the countries through Europe. To do so, the EWL have joined forces with the Council of Europe in a Joint Action: Europe Mobilises against rape and for the use of the Istanbul Convention as a tool of change. EWL member organisations are preparing a series of public events will take place in more than 30 countries all over Europe during the sixteen days of activism against violence against women between 25 November and 10 December. See more information in the website of the Joint Action: Act against rape! Use the Istanbul Convention!

Find the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy in English and French


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